Thursday, December 25, 2008

To make things right

Serith Silverwing bowed before Lord Raquel Al-Shatel his shoulders weighed with shame. He returned expecting to be a hero and found out again, he was impulsive and it cost unforseen lives. "My Lord." A nearly inaudable clearing of the throat silenced Serith.

"Master Silverwing, no tactical decisions made in real time are perfect. The more power we have the greater our mistakes can hurt people. The smaller our margin of error becomes. Now there was no way you could have known the consquence. But we must understand there are always consequences. For every decesion, good and bad or right and wrong, there are results, good and bad. What are the results of your actions?"

"Captain Dante is dead."

"Correct, what else?"

Serith paused for a moment. "Alan and Lord Haws are dead."

"Correct unable to give physical attack to the cause of the light. That is also a consequence you must live with." Sertih exhaled, despite the tradgedy he had caused there was still victory. "Their deaths may or may not inspire those of like minds to rally to the cause." His heart sank again. Lord Raquel spoke with wisdom that could only come from decades of making the impossible decisions. Why he had petitioned to work under him. This was another consequence being taught by the master.

"Both good and bad."

"Yes and a lot in between. And both the good and the bad you'll have to live with. One of which is you will be removed from General Galan's team and assigned back to mine."

"I have much to learn from you."

"Well you will learn a lot guarding my mops. I'd hate for the Dark one to get my mop." He smiled and even laughed and brushed the hair from his face.


It was hour 7 of his shift. He could barely move in the closet with all the brooms and mops. He was not suppose to move though, that would take away from the time he need to review the consequences of his actions.

The door openned and Serith began his memorized speach, "This is my mop, there are other's like it but this one is mine..." He stopped as the office raised his hand and said, "Save it broom man, Lord Raquel wanted to inform you that General Galan captured the escaped Mogath imposter. She has been sentanced to life in the Genevan prison. The real Lady Mogath is to make a speech this afternoon."

The door shut and Serith was in Darkness again. He smiled.


Vadellya smoothed her dress and straightenned her cape. She and Raquel had gone over the speech and reheared it, she was still nervous. This was very important. With the first real public threat to Genevan sovernity in its history it had to be handled perfectly. She often under estimated or under played her importance in the political scene because she did not understand it, nor enjoy it. But this had to be done. The entire Great Square was full. Military, shop keepers, diplomats from other nations, mages from the school, farmers, sailors and everyone else in the world it seemed. Clearing her throat she stepped up and ran her fingers over the parchment. It was not time for nervous ticks it was time for the dignity of a Princess.

"I am Vadellya Mogath. Widow of the late and great Keeper of the Seals Tassadar Mogath, Son of the RIder of the Winds and Founder of the Isle of the Winds- Logar Mogath. There has been no greater honor nor heavier responsibilty in my life than to carry a name I am not worthy of. The name Mogath is synonomys with Light and Truth, equal to virtue and strength. It invokes powerful hope filling and heart lifting emotions. Images of Cloud soaring through the air fighting the winged demon Fraza, pictures of the combatting Horseman, the hammer which broke the Black Raven and Trevor in the Raven wars. The name and movement that has brought hope and life to countless people and peoples across the world.

I have that name. It is the only name I have ever been able to claim. I was forsaken by my brith family and left on the steps of the mage school. Taught and raised the best I could I never lived in a world with out the Isle. I traveled to Jong Guo and saw the Seanchan forces obliterate those people and the hard ship and pain that resulted. I realized then that there is not always a lot to believe in in this world. But you can believe in the Isle. It is more than these temples and banners, more so then flying islands and famous names. Burn them all to ash and the Isle lives on. It is immortal because the Light is eternal. The light will shine against the shadow and protect the faithful from the hordes of darkness for as long as the shadows creep towards us, and longer.

Good will always prevail. I believe in the Mogath name because it means the Isle, and I believe in the Isle because it stands for the LIGHT. We must not be distracted and fooled by anyone or anything that seeks to use those names or ideals for anything less than what they are--Truth and Justice. Even if that person be me.

Many of you have been impacted by the influence of such movements as The Order of Light and the Mogath Rebellion. The Vadellya Mogath whose actions you know of what not me. I was campaigning in the Dark Wood in an effort to push forward the cause of the Isle and live up to the name that has been given me. It was an imposter who sought to corrupt and tarnish that great name and the greatness of what we have all built here together.

I for one will not let that happen. The ruling of the Isle belongs to the Keeper of the Seals and the Keeper alone. Regardless of the last name or nation he hails from. The gods as champions of Light call and ordain the Keeper, we as mortals must have faith in that.

The ruling of Geneva is left to a council whose affairs and sucession is selected by that body. To prevent any further danger to Geneva I withdraw now and forever any right or position I would have on that council. Lord Raquel Al-Shatel and Lord Atryu are the remaining members of that council founded by Lord Logar Mogath and deserve my and your loyalty and gratitude.

There is no amount of service or tribute we can give to repay them for what they have done for us. We and the world sleep safe because they lead the fight against those who would destroy us. I thank Lord Logar for that, I thank my love Lord Tassadar for that, I thank Lord Raquel, and Lord Atrayu and all of you who fight with them by any means you can. An most of all I thank the Light and it is the Light which we must all serve.

May the Light save you!"

The crowd erupted in cheers.

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