He nodded as Captain Dante gave some last detail arms flailing and near paniced as if he was a bard play acting the story. "I'll inform the council. Gather your things and your nerves we're going back."
"But sir." Someone said, it did not matter who. He could finish their protest with plenty of his own. In fact, he took just a small moment and felt his chest, where the Order of the Protectorate had placed the Codex-his most sacred safeguard- then quickly dropped it. The evil of this thing will be a magnet for Veritas and he could loose it. "We fight the fights that need fighting, even if it means our end."
He stands and walks out of the office file in hand. Last time they encountered Veritas they had a special demon stone to hold him, a unique spell to trap him in it, and Khan. His master stradegy mind had laid the perfect trap every detail perfect -- and we barely won. Yet, Galan was just going to storm in there and by sheer force of will forward the good no matter the cost.
General Galan stood cape slightly tugged by the wind looking at what must have at one time been a great castle. Empires fall He thinks flatly. He was flanked by Lord Lucian to his left and Captain Dante to his right. Behind them, Vadelya and Greyson stood bravely. He had asked Bob to go and he refused, Too scary
Galan closed his eyes for a moment and felt the scene rather than saw it. Someone was here, his experience as a warrior let him know when he was facing an army. "Vadelya, true seeing on all of us." According to protocol he should call her Lady but she was a noble in the field, his field, and she needed orders adn directions or she get so lost in the academics of it that she would comprimise her needed effectiveness. He already had all the protective spells, priest and Magic, cast before they teleported in.
Galan opens his eyes after the True Seeing is cast and sees the squad of soliders guarding the battlements and the great banners flying through out the castle. He also noticed the mounted armored ghost warrior. He stops only a few steps from Galan levels his sword, "Who goes there?" In a whisper of a whisper across the mountain wind. Galan does not answer, "We seek one who is not of this plane."
"Lord Arvan has been expecting you. Follow"
Galan just nods. Lord meant authority. Veritas just like the Ravenloft from which he sprung finds a Lord empowers him and tortures him. It would be possible that this Lord Arvan would want to be free and have information they could use.
Led through halls that were once paved in marble and lined with great white columns ornate with gold and other finery, they were now just crumbled reminders of what use to be. Eventually, they are led to large dining hall.
At least two dozen rats scatter across a ruinned stone table in the middle of the room. Flies dance around seemingly attracted and repulsed by the smell. Aparitions of men line the wall indicating the ghosts of once great fighters. Were they loyal, noble, devoted, reverent? Now they were just shadows of their former great selves trapped and haunted in a corrupt form that only in the imagination resembled their former majesty. Just like everything in this place. The rats were rumaging through bits of rotten corrupt food. Meet that spilled maggots, bread that swarmed with fleas and a stack of apples, or at least black wrinkled flesh that use to be apples, was a feast for several rats. This banquet hall may have help and hosted kings with feasts to not only chase only hunger but bright light and joy to all those who attended. Now, it wasn't.
A herald calls out, "Before the Isle, there was the Empire, before the Empire there was the brotherhood, before the brotherhood there was Arvan -- Destroyer of Giants; shepard of his people." Then from behind a massive throne at the far side of this room, an acursed tradgedy appeared.

Galan casually noticed a rusted and tarnished holy symbol to Paladine on his hip. Lucian was not so easy to shake off the sight of what he could become if wickedness and darkness won his heart. Especially when Lord Arvan spoke as if echoing from a thousand miles down the deepest cave, "As I once was you are now, As I am now you may become." Lucian visibly shutters. Galan had long since accepted this as his likely fate if he failed the stun of it was long gone. Any Paladin who falls from grace becomes cursed as a Death Knight, a shallow haunted shadow of what he use to be.
He continued to speak, "Welcome. Though it pains me to be in your presence, the Summoner." All the ghosts present including Arvan kiss their hands and lift them to the sky. "He told me you would come. I have prepared a feast to welcome you. My apologies it has been so long since I entertained. . . The living. I was not always as I am now. I once fought for my people and chased the Storm and fire giants across the wall of the end of the world and made this land safe. Then built this fortress to make sure they never came back over the wall. My only sin was to love her. And I still love her. A beutiful woman has ruined many men." Galan actually thought his fallen brother was laughing. "I am suppose to destroy you for attempting to imprision the summoner." The ghosts all repeat the ritual worship. "But I hope you would extend one last favor to a fallen brother since I have been so kind to you. Take these letters to her." The herald brings a stack of old cracked parchments so large that a man's hand could barely grip them all. He noticed the ink was old flaked and worn. "Will you take these to Tatyana for me. Then we can destroy eachother."
Galan looks at the parchment and answers so quickly it confuses the rest, "Will this help you find peace my brother?"
Arvan only nods. His silence communicate volumes, affirmative but a pained affirmative. The pain of a man who loved a woman who only had used him, the pain of a man who had given everything and grips to only a hope.
"Then I will do it for you...Brother." Galan let the pause linger as to emphasize his desire to help. "How will I find her?"
Arvan motions and a chained woman is forward and thrown at Galan's feet. "She was caught destroying the letters. She can take you to my Tatyana." A scared girl looks up at Galan. She was too pretty and strong to be so scared. Though she was being held captive in a Death Knights Castle. "And, her, take her with you. I despise her living presence."
His finger flies like a spear, it casts its spear to the far corner of the room where Galan's true seeing eyes see Morgan.
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