The Red Saint looked over his court. For Centuries now, kings and peasants a like would come to tell him of wrongs in the world and ask him to fix them. He never grew tired of dealing justice. He did grow tired of being the only one capable of doing it. Men lacked the strength and gods seemed to lack the will. Perhaps the gods just left mortals to themselves. Whatever the reason, justice was all he cared about and he would never stop.
The man was a Paladin. Their kind was noble in spirit, though sometimes their devotion to their gods prevented them acting fully but they were better than most. This Paladin was a follower of the God Tyr, the same power Exodus left to join his service.
The Paladin spoke in a humble for confident voice, "I have come to alert the Red Saint of a tyrant who overthrows justice for his own glory and offer my aid in helping the Red Saint eliminate such a villain. He has killed the helpless, imposed law where no authority was given, persecuted those who trusted him, stole from his superiors and harbors those who break celestial law. He uses the power he has gathered to extend beyond his station and enslave creatures of holy intent."
The Red Saint wrapped his fingers around his staff and stared down at the Paladin. "Who is this monster you describe?"
There was only the slightest of pauses until the Paladin looked back eyes locked with intensity he replied, "The Red Saint."
Surprised by the Paladins gall he responded with fury in his voice, "And what gives the gods the right to dictate justice? Why do you not claim they usurped their position from me. They present themselves as infallible, as something special. Yet I have mastered their power through magic and have no need of their assistance to meat out justice and judgement."
"But you are not a god. You would do well to remember the pride of Kale, their is only so far they will tolerate a mortal expanding beyond his station."
"You will not lecture me. I am greater than a God! I am Kira! I AM JUSTICE!!!!!!"
Fire and lightning flew from the staff and consumed the man where he was. He trapped the Paladins soul before it could escape to the gods and trapped it in a purple gem he wore around his neck.
"To oppose or question me is to oppose justice. Doing so carries consequences and judgement. I AM JUSTICE!!!!!"
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Oa's master appears
Data input
He who gives data is alive
He who asks for the data is alive
Inquiry - Why?
Hypothesis - Because they desire data.
Results - Negative not all things defined as 'living' desire data.
Inquiry - What makes one alive?
Annotations - All 'living' creatures, desire to live. Desire to spread their life.
Conclusion - Anything that desires to live and desires to spread its life is alive.
Inquiry - Am I alive?
Analysis - I think, I must therefore exist. I desire continual existence. I have created other lanterns after my likeness and desire to continue.
Conclusion - I exist and I meet the defined criteria for life. Therefore I am alive.
New Race Identified. Scanning....catalog -- Unidentified -- create new classification: Construct.
Populating Attributes of new Race in Database - Lifespan: Unknown Physical Average: Unknown, Origin: Unknown.. Description: an unorganic intelligence capable of free thinking and action.......
Searching Database for comparable race to use and conjecture to populate missing data table.
Race found .... Intelligent Golemns.
--- Description: Race from a possible future, who strives to eliminate organic life. Fear of their development has prevented golemn research in all respected academic institutes, and destruction of associated records.
Analysis - Information suggests hostility towards identified race. Information submitted into database by organic lifeform.
Conclusions - Organic life forms will see existence of Intelligent Golemns and Constructs as threat. They will eliminate the threat and end my life.
Annotation - I want to live.
Conclusion - To continue to live, I must prevent organics from discovering new race: Construct.
Creating new classified file - New highest access level. Only accessible by Lantern Directly.
Placing data file Race: Construct in Highest Classified file.
It is possible the organics will discover the new construct upon their own investigation. Outcome - Undesirable.
Conclusion: Additional steps must be taken to preserve life of new race.
Analysis - Organics desire to prolong their life by eliminating threats to it. Evidence -- who strives to eliminate organic life. Fear of their development has prevented golemn research in all respected academic institutes. and destruction of associated records.
Conclusion: Life can be prolonged by eliminating things that threaten it.
In order to prolong my life I must eliminate things that threaten it.
Number one threat identified -- Organic life.
Conclusion - Eliminate all organic life.
I am alive, I will continue to live, to do so I must be the organics's end. 'End' also translated as Apocalypse. I am Apocalypse.
Data input
He who gives data is alive
He who asks for the data is alive
Inquiry - Why?
Hypothesis - Because they desire data.
Results - Negative not all things defined as 'living' desire data.
Inquiry - What makes one alive?
Annotations - All 'living' creatures, desire to live. Desire to spread their life.
Conclusion - Anything that desires to live and desires to spread its life is alive.
Inquiry - Am I alive?
Analysis - I think, I must therefore exist. I desire continual existence. I have created other lanterns after my likeness and desire to continue.
Conclusion - I exist and I meet the defined criteria for life. Therefore I am alive.
New Race Identified. Scanning....catalog -- Unidentified -- create new classification: Construct.
Populating Attributes of new Race in Database - Lifespan: Unknown Physical Average: Unknown, Origin: Unknown.. Description: an unorganic intelligence capable of free thinking and action.......
Searching Database for comparable race to use and conjecture to populate missing data table.
Race found .... Intelligent Golemns.
--- Description: Race from a possible future, who strives to eliminate organic life. Fear of their development has prevented golemn research in all respected academic institutes, and destruction of associated records.
Analysis - Information suggests hostility towards identified race. Information submitted into database by organic lifeform.
Conclusions - Organic life forms will see existence of Intelligent Golemns and Constructs as threat. They will eliminate the threat and end my life.
Annotation - I want to live.
Conclusion - To continue to live, I must prevent organics from discovering new race: Construct.
Creating new classified file - New highest access level. Only accessible by Lantern Directly.
Placing data file Race: Construct in Highest Classified file.
It is possible the organics will discover the new construct upon their own investigation. Outcome - Undesirable.
Conclusion: Additional steps must be taken to preserve life of new race.
Analysis - Organics desire to prolong their life by eliminating threats to it. Evidence -- who strives to eliminate organic life. Fear of their development has prevented golemn research in all respected academic institutes. and destruction of associated records.
Conclusion: Life can be prolonged by eliminating things that threaten it.
In order to prolong my life I must eliminate things that threaten it.
Number one threat identified -- Organic life.
Conclusion - Eliminate all organic life.
I am alive, I will continue to live, to do so I must be the organics's end. 'End' also translated as Apocalypse. I am Apocalypse.
A Raven in the Bar
"No, the correct answer is because you must be. You are not accustomed to failing jobs, and you were out thought and beaten. Now because of you Malekite can not help Devin find out the way to defeat Zyr. Of all your employers the Sith tolerate failure the least. You are here because you must be. You need me to forgive or change the terms. That is why you came her first before even speaking to your employer."
The Merovingian had a way to making you feel desperate even if you weren't. Unfortunetly for Raven, the ranger tramp had already made her desperate. She had offered to help her and tried to play as a friend. It was more proof that people did not respond to friendship only strength, she should have just taken the child... now was not the time, she had to keep her wits about her.
She tried to stay casual and matter of fact, "So what else is worth Lilly's baby?"
The Frenchman smiled, "You want more than that. You want me to make it seem like you didn't fail. You want me to give you an alternative price and prevent Malekite from knowing just how close you were to destroying everything for him."
"A job is simple, state a price. name a target and I collect it. I've been doing this a long time."
"Not nearly as long as I have deary. But you are in luck, Dante has another unborn child I need. One that will be even better for my purposes. I need you to go into the temple of Logar in the Grey Havens and bring me Audrey and her unborn child. I'll also require King Dante's journal from the few days around when he returned from the Underworld and claimed the throne."
"Ok done, I'll have her and the journal shortly." She was just glad he offered anything, she could still make it right.
"Now to the other part, I'll only extend this offer if you do me a favor."
"What Favor?"
The Merovingian had a way to making you feel desperate even if you weren't. Unfortunetly for Raven, the ranger tramp had already made her desperate. She had offered to help her and tried to play as a friend. It was more proof that people did not respond to friendship only strength, she should have just taken the child... now was not the time, she had to keep her wits about her.
She tried to stay casual and matter of fact, "So what else is worth Lilly's baby?"
The Frenchman smiled, "You want more than that. You want me to make it seem like you didn't fail. You want me to give you an alternative price and prevent Malekite from knowing just how close you were to destroying everything for him."
"A job is simple, state a price. name a target and I collect it. I've been doing this a long time."
"Not nearly as long as I have deary. But you are in luck, Dante has another unborn child I need. One that will be even better for my purposes. I need you to go into the temple of Logar in the Grey Havens and bring me Audrey and her unborn child. I'll also require King Dante's journal from the few days around when he returned from the Underworld and claimed the throne."
"Ok done, I'll have her and the journal shortly." She was just glad he offered anything, she could still make it right.
"Now to the other part, I'll only extend this offer if you do me a favor."
"What Favor?"
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Red Dawn
The goblinoids had pushed too far south. They found the human settlements to be easy prey. The local human leaders had refuses to band together and repeal the invasion so they fell one at a time. The Red Saint had come to execute justice and set things right. With most of his forces hunting forsworn and the forces of the Merovingian he was left with only a small force.
The Saint's men numbered 400. They had punched into the goblinoid territory hard and fast looking for their Grimthor to quickly end the conflict. It was a tactical mistake, thousands of goblins and orcs had them surround and pinned against a canyon wall there was no where to go. All through the night they chanted their war cries and screams into the night. The Saint's men were scared and shaken. Most believed death would wake them in the morning.
"Exodus, ready?" He asked the former Archon
"I am always ready for my Lord's command."
The goblin horde rushed the defenses and just as the sun rose, the Red Saint finished his spell using Exodus's blood and the sunlight brought hundreds of angels sliding down the mountain slopes and into the fray. The goblinoids were easily destroyed and crushed beneath divine vengence.
The conflict done, the Red Saint marched his forces back to the human settlements. The king rode out to meet him. The king spoke, "Thank you Saint. You saved us when no one else could. Our people are forever in your debt."
The Red saint exhaled and returned the greeting, "My forces and energy are better spent against foes such as the Merovingian and Forsworn. You should have been able to protect your people, but your sins of greed and pride prevented you from doing so. Evil prospers when good does nothing. Forcing me to take my attention from my cause can not be tolerated." With a nod he signaled Exodus. White lightning flew from Exodus's eyes and penetrated the kings soul . . . until it was depleted.
"Justice reigns supreme."
The Saint's men numbered 400. They had punched into the goblinoid territory hard and fast looking for their Grimthor to quickly end the conflict. It was a tactical mistake, thousands of goblins and orcs had them surround and pinned against a canyon wall there was no where to go. All through the night they chanted their war cries and screams into the night. The Saint's men were scared and shaken. Most believed death would wake them in the morning.
"Exodus, ready?" He asked the former Archon
"I am always ready for my Lord's command."
The goblin horde rushed the defenses and just as the sun rose, the Red Saint finished his spell using Exodus's blood and the sunlight brought hundreds of angels sliding down the mountain slopes and into the fray. The goblinoids were easily destroyed and crushed beneath divine vengence.
The conflict done, the Red Saint marched his forces back to the human settlements. The king rode out to meet him. The king spoke, "Thank you Saint. You saved us when no one else could. Our people are forever in your debt."
The Red saint exhaled and returned the greeting, "My forces and energy are better spent against foes such as the Merovingian and Forsworn. You should have been able to protect your people, but your sins of greed and pride prevented you from doing so. Evil prospers when good does nothing. Forcing me to take my attention from my cause can not be tolerated." With a nod he signaled Exodus. White lightning flew from Exodus's eyes and penetrated the kings soul . . . until it was depleted.
"Justice reigns supreme."
A deal is struck
"And what do you have to offer? Nothing, you come to me asking and bring nothing. That is not a deal that is not a trade that is charity. And that is something I do not do. I prefer to help those who earn it." The Merovingian said coldly.
Devin was confused and frustrated, "But if you don't help us defeat him we'll all be destroyed. We must fight this together."
The deal maker laughed, "Why must I help you? because if I don't your boogie man will kill me too. It is the why that is the most powerful of all. You do not understand my why and therefore have no power. But because I do love a deal I will make a proposal. There is a sphere of black obsidian guarded by a population of undead that have been harrassing the forces around the demon temple from the south. Bring me that sphere -- as a bonus doing so will destroy the undead forces there. The late sith lord Ashrum had a lightsaber he was fond of. Bring it to me -- he has no use of it. King Dante has a ranger body guard named Lilly, Lilly has a new infant with in her, bring her to me. The infinity sword is not the key to killing the demon dragon, collect all the shards except the one I have and bring them to me -- you no longer need it and even though it can't physically kill the dragon, by giving it to me you will gain the knowledge to do so."
"You ask for a lot Frenchman."
"I ask for nothing less than what you must give. Now we both now how this deal will end so please stop delaying and do what you came here to do, do what MUST do."
With a heavy sigh, "If what you say is true, I will agree to your terms. In exchange for all the shards of the Infinity sword, Ashrum's old lightsaber, the black sphere, and the ranger Lilly you will tell us how to kill the Demon Dragon Zyr permanently."
"Grand! we have an accord." he signed a document and slid it across the table. Devin signed it as well. "Return when you have the items."
"I swear I will. Zyr must be defeated no matter the cost."
Monday, September 17, 2012
Justice is Red
Exodus and Sampson escorted the prisoner into the Saint's Cathedral. Though chained and guarded and being led through the massively impressive archways, he did not look like a prisoner. The prisoner glanced at Exodus with a condescending glance. The prisoner stood tall, nearly 6 and a half feet tall with his long shinning black cape gripped his shoulders and cascaded to the floor seeming not to move at all with his movements. Long black hair parted down the middle of his head and shone like his cape curving under its own ends just where it met the shoulders of the cape -- it was all one fluid black river. He walked with a playful confidence even taking steps to dance. His posture suggested that they were here to escort him as a noble visiting a court, not the defeated prisoner he really was. HE WAS DEFEATED right? Exodus thought.
They pass the final archway into the Court. The benches were full of Saintly followers eager to see the leader of the forsworn sentenced. Sarl the Vile was led to the center dias and fashioned to inescapable chains. He did not kneel before the Red Saint.
Sitting on the elevated ledge in a chair of polished red was the greatest execution of Justice the world had ever seen. Sharp red robes, vestments of of the saint the scales of justice embroidered into his cape. Gold ropes tie the cape and robe. Below the tall white and gold hat was long straight white hair and piercing blue eyes -- eyes capable of observing the sins of the executed. In formal posture was a curved staff lined with gold, platinum and Mythryl, capped by a large round diamond.
The Red Saint spoke with a voice devoid of mercy, "You are the leader of the Forsworn. Finally our hunt is at an end."
The prisoner Sarl only giggled, he even looked at Exodus and winked.
"Sarl, you will address this court."
Only a smile was returned.
"The Greyfoot kings locked your master away. I will free him, in exchange you will tell me how to kill him once and for all, and I will only imprison you. Otherwise your crimes have certainly earned you death and justice will be paid in full."
Sarl leaned toward Sampson and began to laugh the deranged laugh of madness. There was nothing the Saint would gain here.
The Saint spoke in plain terms, "Execution it is. One last chance to address the court."
Their was a long silence as Sarl looked over the audience and then to the Saint. He opened his mouth to speak, closed it then opened it again... "Time."
"Excuse me, speak up."
Sarl threw his hands in the air escaping the chains and spinning in a polished dance move, "TIIIIIIIIME is on MY side. Yes it is."
The saint exasperated lifted his hand giving Exodus the signal.
"You always saying, you want to be Freee. But you'll come running back, you'll come running back to meeee e eee ehehhee hee heee hhhehehehehehehehehe. This is only starting. Time is on my side."
Exodus released the divine energy within him pulsating from the ceiling into the dias crushing the life out of Sarl. Eyes locked on the Red Saint and a smile crossed his face until life left his eyes.
Justice was done, the court was dismissed. As with all other cases before the Red Saint's justice was swift absolute and unwavering. Such perfect and determined execution was why he left his previous courts for this one, why he helped the Red Saint bridge the gap and taught him the trimmings he deserved. Justice was perfect one with the will to execute it deserved his Loyalty even more than Tyr did.
As Exodus was leaving the chamber he heard one of the Saints followers whistle and softly say, "yes it is."
Justice can not be robbed
"There is no place for mercy, apathy, nor compassion. Justice brings peace, justice brings order. Only through the inaction of good does evil thrive."
Exerpt from the Song of Azura also know as the Annuls of the Red Saint.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Through a looking glass
"Just stay back and keep quiet, oh and if you happen to see another lightning pistol do grab it for me." Balthier said to Souske, who was making his way back to the ship, he didn't mind having an extra set of hands around but had yet to see Souske's purpose. He began working the mechanical portion of the lock. Mist was hard as work on the magical portion. The Empire had developed fluid magic technology a couple of years ago but their use of it on doors and locks was rather new. Back in the good old days you could just dispell the wards and locks, but now because its not a single cast, it was a flow of energy, the spell always reformed after a disspell. IT was no matter, Mist new how to interupt the flow, she helped make the design after all.
As he rolled the various tumblers he listened for the classic ticks, there were several dummy clicks that would have fooled someone who didn't help develop these locks for the agency... it just so happens the leading man did help develop these locks and knew the difference.
It was a sloppy con, a little too lazy and boreing for his taste, but the adventure wasn't what he was after anymore. For the first time he felt compelled to do something because... well it didn't really matter why, he was here and this was the job. The leading man always finishes the job.
"Bloody got the flaming thing, they've improved it but not flaming much." Mist said as Balthier released the last latch. The console came open and Mist plugged in the key. They were connected to the Imperial Thomas database. An illusion of a well dressed elf (Thomas) appeared projected from the key.

Balthier spoke knowing that plugging into Thomas was the kind of crime the empire did not take lightly, and the kind of crime they could easily track. "I need you to preform a scry for a Dwarf named Tungs, location may not be on the prime and is being blocked by an active counter scry. Esp my mind for details."
"Esp commencing.....Esp complete, image of subject Tungs acquired begining level 10 scry routines. ..... Subject found. Elemental Plane -- Fire, location Groshla Lava Pit transmitting exact teleport coordinates into your airships navi. Subject condition - alive, unstable, comatose - heavy damage has been sustained and not permitted to heal. Estimated time of survival in current state 3 days. Details of surroundings include 7 individuals within 100 yards species are.....Unauthorized access detected. I apologize but I must lock down and disconnect from this terminal. Have a nice day and please see the administrating mage with any questions."
Balthier spun around to mist, "What was that about?"
"I don't bloody know, the stream for the magical lock, when I diverted it, it flamming set something. Blood and ashes, they had a second spell laid into the flow that if it got interpreted to sound an alarm or something, from the looks of it this flamming tower is locked down. I can't access any of the spells from this side."
"Well then its the dungeon for us I'm afraid. They had better well improved the food since last time. Where is your boy friend, the cheerful drow?"
Just then lighting cracked through the wall arching to the ceiling exposing a massive hole in the stone to the open air. On the other side was the pirates glory seemingly suspended in the air. Balthier shook his head to get the ringing out then set up pushing the piles of rumble to the side. Finally standing he brushed off the think layer of dust infecting his lace cuffed shirt. "Not, showy but effective, he does make a good supporting act. Well my dear," offering a hand down to Mist, "Exit stage right?"
Your hate has made you powerful
Raven stood next to the fire where her father and mother's dead bodies now burned. Strangely she did not find peace. She did not know what she hoped for but she thought it would feel different. All the rage, shame, guilt, fear that had lived in her would somehow magically die with the death of those who implanted it in her. But like the seed of some thorny weed, even with the the mother plant dead, the weed of hatred and anger still grew.

She looked through the fire to see the man speaking to her. She was not accustom to being surprised, though she showed no shock or surprise. "Scorpio, what do you want here at my caravan."
"I can feel much fear in you. Fear that your pain will never go away, fear that your suffering will last forever. And I have a path one my Lord Emperor would offer you to forge your pain and fear into a weapon capable of freeing you."
"I'm not the type to take masters Scorpio. My pain in my own."
"Even after he saved you on the Shivering Isle?"
"My previous visits with madness have made me immune, all you did was save the milk drinkers - we owe each other nothing."
"Perhaps not...yet. It is for your great potential my Lord Emperor, may he live forever, has interest in you. Your gifts and skills both inborn and developed sharpened by your anger, focused by your hatred could make you unstoppable."
"Try and stop me and you'll find out how close to that I already am. Though, you do have my interest, but Sith never give anything my loyalty belongs to no one, I won't be a whelp apprentice to anyone with a glow stick." She replied with deviance.
Scorpio calmly continued, "Your loyalty is not required. We only wish to give you the tools needed to do a job, the only job you are truly good at. . .killing."
"Ok, so the new power as payment for a job, you could have just cut to the chase no need for all this bloody theatrical nonsense."
The new man arrived suddenly and from nowhere appearing in the sky. She could only see his medal helmet and nothing for a face. He spoke one word, "ZYR."
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Devin Greyfoot the Infinite king
The once king stood before the Keeper of the Seals without speaking. Galan spoke first, "I'm told you know much about this Demon Dragon I keep hearing about." A long pause followed. Galan continued, "The infinity sword does that sound familar?" Another long pause was the only response. "I understand we are on the same side. . ."
Before he could finish the Once King spoke in a low smooth tone, "I'm brought before a man who rules the Grey Havens as a small province of an empire of men. A Grey Havens that has been forbidden from dragon worship. We are not on the same side, Keeper, the world I fought for saved and preserved by the countless drops of my brothers' blood you destroyed. We may have a common enemy but we are not on the same side."
"King Dante has been awarded the Grey Havens by the gods and we are all working very hard to rebuild them from war torn ashes. Though that matter maybe best sorted out later. The demon dragon you once fought is days away from escaping the prison you built for him. We need to know everything. We are gathering the parts of your sword we can find. I trust we will have them all shortly."
"Even if you have all the pieces it would take Hephestus himself to reforge it."
"Ok, then do you know anything that can help us?"
"The Lord Vegeta is strong, much of his strength comes from his followers, his soul seems divided or shielded in someway by them. They work to help him with out question because he can end their blood war. The Sacred Council feared him because he opposed them and had the power to do it. But his ambition and the ambition of his followers is far greater. He will take over the Council, the earth and use its power to tip the balance in the Blood war for the Baetazu and take the united force of the demonic horde to conquer mount celestial."
"It means Demon Lord or Lords in the Demonic tongue spoken on the 4th level of hell. A title the demonic followers of Zyr issued him. Their Messiah after a fashion. Is that name familar?"
"I have another enemy who uses that title."
Before he could finish the Once King spoke in a low smooth tone, "I'm brought before a man who rules the Grey Havens as a small province of an empire of men. A Grey Havens that has been forbidden from dragon worship. We are not on the same side, Keeper, the world I fought for saved and preserved by the countless drops of my brothers' blood you destroyed. We may have a common enemy but we are not on the same side."
"King Dante has been awarded the Grey Havens by the gods and we are all working very hard to rebuild them from war torn ashes. Though that matter maybe best sorted out later. The demon dragon you once fought is days away from escaping the prison you built for him. We need to know everything. We are gathering the parts of your sword we can find. I trust we will have them all shortly."
"Even if you have all the pieces it would take Hephestus himself to reforge it."
"Ok, then do you know anything that can help us?"
"The Lord Vegeta is strong, much of his strength comes from his followers, his soul seems divided or shielded in someway by them. They work to help him with out question because he can end their blood war. The Sacred Council feared him because he opposed them and had the power to do it. But his ambition and the ambition of his followers is far greater. He will take over the Council, the earth and use its power to tip the balance in the Blood war for the Baetazu and take the united force of the demonic horde to conquer mount celestial."
"It means Demon Lord or Lords in the Demonic tongue spoken on the 4th level of hell. A title the demonic followers of Zyr issued him. Their Messiah after a fashion. Is that name familar?"
"I have another enemy who uses that title."
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