Raven stood next to the fire where her father and mother's dead bodies now burned. Strangely she did not find peace. She did not know what she hoped for but she thought it would feel different. All the rage, shame, guilt, fear that had lived in her would somehow magically die with the death of those who implanted it in her. But like the seed of some thorny weed, even with the the mother plant dead, the weed of hatred and anger still grew.

She looked through the fire to see the man speaking to her. She was not accustom to being surprised, though she showed no shock or surprise. "Scorpio, what do you want here at my caravan."
"I can feel much fear in you. Fear that your pain will never go away, fear that your suffering will last forever. And I have a path one my Lord Emperor would offer you to forge your pain and fear into a weapon capable of freeing you."
"I'm not the type to take masters Scorpio. My pain in my own."
"Even after he saved you on the Shivering Isle?"
"My previous visits with madness have made me immune, all you did was save the milk drinkers - we owe each other nothing."
"Perhaps not...yet. It is for your great potential my Lord Emperor, may he live forever, has interest in you. Your gifts and skills both inborn and developed sharpened by your anger, focused by your hatred could make you unstoppable."
"Try and stop me and you'll find out how close to that I already am. Though, you do have my interest, but Sith never give anything my loyalty belongs to no one, I won't be a whelp apprentice to anyone with a glow stick." She replied with deviance.
Scorpio calmly continued, "Your loyalty is not required. We only wish to give you the tools needed to do a job, the only job you are truly good at. . .killing."
"Ok, so the new power as payment for a job, you could have just cut to the chase no need for all this bloody theatrical nonsense."
The new man arrived suddenly and from nowhere appearing in the sky. She could only see his medal helmet and nothing for a face. He spoke one word, "ZYR."
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