Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I am Justice

The Red Saint looked over his court.  For Centuries now, kings and peasants a like would come to tell him of wrongs in the world and ask him to fix them.  He never grew tired of dealing justice.  He did grow tired of being the only one capable of doing it.  Men lacked the strength and gods seemed to lack the will.  Perhaps the gods just left mortals to themselves. Whatever the reason, justice was all he cared about and he would never stop.

The man was a Paladin.  Their kind was noble in spirit, though sometimes their devotion to their gods prevented them acting fully but they were better than most.  This Paladin was a follower of the God Tyr, the same power Exodus left to join his service.

The Paladin spoke in a humble for confident voice, "I have come to alert the Red Saint of a tyrant who overthrows justice for his own glory and offer my aid in helping the Red Saint eliminate such a villain. He has killed the helpless, imposed law where no authority was given, persecuted those who trusted him, stole from his superiors and harbors those who break celestial law.  He uses the power he has gathered to extend beyond his station and enslave creatures of holy intent."

The Red Saint wrapped his fingers around his staff and stared down at the Paladin. "Who is this monster you describe?"

There was only the slightest of pauses until the Paladin looked back eyes locked with intensity he replied, "The Red Saint."

Surprised by the Paladins gall he responded with fury in his voice, "And what gives the gods the right to dictate justice? Why do you not claim they usurped their position from me.  They present themselves as infallible, as something special.  Yet I have mastered their power through magic and have no need of their assistance to meat out justice and judgement."

"But you are not a god. You would do well to remember the pride of Kale, their is only so far they will tolerate a mortal expanding beyond his station."

"You will not lecture me.  I am greater than a God!  I am Kira!  I AM JUSTICE!!!!!!"

Fire and lightning flew from the staff and consumed the man where he was.  He trapped the Paladins soul before it could escape to the gods and trapped it in a purple gem he wore around his neck.

"To oppose or question me is to oppose justice.  Doing so carries consequences and judgement. I AM JUSTICE!!!!!"

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