Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Devin Greyfoot the Infinite king

The once king stood before the Keeper of the Seals without speaking.  Galan spoke first, "I'm told you know much about this Demon Dragon I keep hearing about."  A long pause followed.  Galan continued, "The infinity sword does that sound familar?"  Another long pause was the only response.  "I understand we are on the same side. . ."

Before he could finish the Once King spoke in a low smooth tone, "I'm brought before a man who rules the Grey Havens as a small province of an empire of men.  A Grey Havens that has been forbidden from dragon worship.  We are not on the same side, Keeper,  the world I fought for saved and preserved by the countless drops of my brothers' blood you destroyed.  We may have a common enemy but we are not on the same side."

"King Dante has been awarded the Grey Havens by the gods and we are all working very hard to rebuild them from war torn ashes.  Though that matter maybe best sorted out later.  The demon dragon you once fought is days away from escaping the prison you built for him.  We need to know everything.  We are gathering the parts of your sword we can find.  I trust we will have them all shortly."

"Even if you have all the pieces it would take Hephestus himself to reforge it."

"Ok, then do you know anything that can help us?"

"The Lord Vegeta is strong, much of his strength comes from his followers, his soul seems divided or shielded in someway by them.  They work to help him with out question because he can end their blood war.  The Sacred Council feared him because he opposed them and had the power to do it.  But his ambition and the ambition of his followers is far greater.  He will take over the Council, the earth and use its power to tip the balance in the Blood war for the Baetazu and take the united force of the demonic horde to conquer mount celestial."


"It means Demon Lord or Lords in the Demonic tongue spoken on the 4th level of hell.  A title the demonic followers of Zyr issued him.  Their Messiah after a fashion. Is that name familar?"

"I have another enemy who uses that title."

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