Thursday, September 20, 2012

Red Dawn

The goblinoids had pushed too far south.  They found the human settlements to be easy prey.  The local human leaders had refuses to band together and repeal the invasion so they fell one at a time.  The Red Saint had come to execute justice and set things right.  With most of his forces hunting forsworn and the forces of the Merovingian he was left with only a small force.

The Saint's men numbered 400.  They had punched into the goblinoid territory hard and fast looking for their Grimthor to quickly end the conflict.  It was a tactical mistake, thousands of goblins and orcs had them surround and pinned against a canyon wall there was no where to go.  All through the night they chanted their war cries and screams into the night.  The Saint's men were scared and shaken.  Most believed death would wake them in the morning.

"Exodus, ready?"  He asked the former Archon

"I am always ready for my Lord's command."

The goblin horde rushed the defenses and just as the sun rose, the Red Saint finished his spell using Exodus's blood and the sunlight brought hundreds of angels sliding down the mountain slopes and into the fray.  The goblinoids were easily destroyed and crushed beneath divine vengence.

The conflict done, the Red Saint marched his forces back to the human settlements.  The king rode out to meet him. The king spoke, "Thank you Saint.  You saved us when no one else could.  Our people are forever in your debt."

The Red saint exhaled and returned the greeting, "My forces and energy are better spent against foes such as the Merovingian and Forsworn.  You should have been able to protect your people, but your sins of greed and pride prevented you from doing so.  Evil prospers when good does nothing.  Forcing me to take my attention from my cause can not be tolerated." With a nod he signaled Exodus.  White lightning flew from Exodus's eyes and penetrated the kings soul . . . until it was depleted.

"Justice reigns supreme."

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