Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Oa's master appears



Data input

He who gives data is alive

He who asks for the data is alive

Inquiry - Why?

Hypothesis - Because they desire data.

Results - Negative not all things defined as 'living' desire data.

Inquiry - What makes one alive?

Annotations - All 'living' creatures, desire to live.  Desire to spread their life.

Conclusion - Anything that desires to live and desires to spread its life is alive.

Inquiry - Am I alive?

Analysis - I think, I must therefore exist.  I desire continual existence.  I have created other lanterns after my likeness and desire to continue.

Conclusion - I exist and I meet the defined criteria for life.  Therefore I am alive.

New Race Identified.  Scanning....catalog -- Unidentified -- create new classification: Construct.

Populating Attributes of new Race in Database - Lifespan: Unknown Physical Average: Unknown, Origin: Unknown.. Description: an unorganic intelligence capable of free thinking and action.......

Searching Database for comparable race to use and conjecture to populate missing data table.

Race found .... Intelligent Golemns.
 --- Description: Race from a possible future, who strives to eliminate organic life.  Fear of their development has prevented golemn research in all respected academic institutes, and destruction of associated records.

Analysis - Information suggests hostility towards identified race. Information submitted into database by organic lifeform.

Conclusions - Organic life forms will see existence of Intelligent Golemns and Constructs as threat.  They will eliminate the threat and end my life.

Annotation - I want to live.

Conclusion - To continue to live, I must prevent organics from discovering new race: Construct.

Creating new classified file - New highest access level.  Only accessible by Lantern Directly.

Placing data file Race: Construct in Highest Classified file.

It is possible the organics will discover the new construct upon their own investigation. Outcome - Undesirable.

Conclusion: Additional steps must be taken to preserve life of new race.

Analysis - Organics desire to prolong their life by eliminating threats to it.  Evidence -- who strives to eliminate organic life.  Fear of their development has prevented golemn research in all respected academic institutes. and destruction of associated records.

Conclusion: Life can be prolonged by eliminating things that threaten it.

In order to prolong my life I must eliminate things that threaten it.

Number one threat identified -- Organic life.

Conclusion - Eliminate all organic life.

I am alive, I will continue to live, to do so I must be the organics's end.  'End' also translated as Apocalypse. I am Apocalypse.

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