Thursday, December 26, 2013
Grey Wardens
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Monday, October 28, 2013
A less traveled path. (Countdown to halloween)
Quiet and dark even in the day. The forest did give him a bit of the creeps but he tried to pay it little mind as he was on a mission for the Empire and duty was most important. He looked at he companion smoothing the folds in his red and black robe and wandered what was next.
He went about his duty and reviewed the morning reports the men were all accounted for. 40 fighters, 10 mages. As long as they stayed within range of the idol the mist and vistani and every other danger this land had seemed to avoid them. The first group to scout beyond its limited range, though, they had lost contact.
Veli felt responsible for them. Kids, they were just kids. Good soldiers, but just kids who joined the Imperial Ranks for either duty or riches. It was not bad enough he lost his own children he had to send others to their end as well. It reminded him what he always said, "The only reason to do this is because you believe in the Empire and what it stands for. No amount of money is worth what you will be asked to do."
In large part he had that speech to thank him for being here. Terrance had heard it and decided then he was a leader of men. Terrance served under Veli in the crusade when the Warship Galactica was still operational. But those were thoughts of another time. Now he was taking orders from Terrance on assignment directly from the Daughter Heir.
His expertise was not Ravenloft though it did hold a fascination for him. He had made a study of it and new the basics and what to expect. Though it would seem Terrance knew every turning leaf. He had a key that got him in and out of this sealed domain and allowed the possibility to study this realm closer. That was one of the objectives of the mission -- study and record. But the primary objective was bold indeed -- steal a dark lord from Ravenloft and bring it to the Imperial mage corps to study.
"May the Light save us."
And a child shall lead them. (Countdown to Halloween)
"No." Came back the resounding call of his disciples.
"Who was targeted by her infectious evil?" He asked calmly
"Parents" Came the angry reply. So much fear so much anger.
"Yes, the beast, those who live beyond the 19th harvest and are corrupted by the vanities of the world and the pride of it. They were ripe to fall to her temptations. But who survived?"
"The children."
"Yes we did. Fleeing, as we ran our mothers and fathers and all those beyond a 19th harvest scooped out of the sky by the blood sucking monsters, we found to hide in the fields. and who saves us now?"
"He who walks behind the rows."
"Yes, he loves use and shelters us. Protects those still innocent of this cruel world. He stopped the vampires from draining our blood and hides us from the Purple mistress. What is all he asks in return?"
"Obedience and sacrifice." echoed the reply in solemn chorus.
"And that we shall give him. All who reach their 19th harvest will be sacrificed. We shall obey his words as shown forth by my mouth. So say we all."
"So say we all."
Monday, October 21, 2013
To Sail (Countdown to Halloween)
Souske sat around doing nothing as usual and Mist played with the nav charts. She wasn't content with being lost.
As the mist rolled over the ship again he thought he saw it. The face he had seen so many times. He jumped up to the wheel and swung hard to starboard. The ship screamed and the timbers complained at the stress, but he did not care. Jillian was in the mist and he had somewhere to be.
This hell I'm living (Countdown to Halloween)
Waiting in the dark she thought, "Isn't there someone trying to save me? I thought that they would be here, by now.
She thought a lot of things which turned out to be false. She thought she could save them, she thought the power would save her. She thought he friends would stick up for her, she thought they would chose her over Raven. She thought she could trust those she traveled with, bleed with.
She had dreamed a dream of a better world. And now she was here, barely herself. A dark presence consuming her mind, the mist torturing her. When all a long all she was was . . . scared.
Theres nothing but the rain,
no footsteps on the ground,
She listened but there was no sound.
It was a long cold night.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
One door shuts...(countdown to Halloween)
Burke squinted through tired eyes at the mage in the red robes, "Please don't pretend to care about justice."
"I do care in fact i appeal to it now, The Saint, praise to his name, has ordered me to build a prison like unto Ravenloft for him to cast the unholy. To do that I need the key that can enter it. purely academic I assure you and will speed my research by years."
"I live for the Saint's will and his word of justice. But, I've already slotted the key for another mission."
"You can calm the conflict of conscience agent." He said with a positive smile, "I worked with IO. I know the key was going to the party who destroyed the venom cult. I went with her to Brendon ford fought with herr companions and at personel expense and risk cleared the mountain. Also while others rested I used a list of members found in the caves and executed all which could be found. I have rightfully earned the key."
Burke reviewed the documents on his desk. "it woudl seem you are right. Thank you for your service to the empire... lets talk about your next mission."
Upon the lofty spire (Countdown to Halloween)
Crows cawed in the distance providing a symphony to the night. As a well tuned orchestra, the ravens called to each other as she over looked over her domain, all that she had. At first, it was a lonely solitary caw answered moments later by another. It was the silence between them which she most loved. In that silence she could write her own music. The music of the night. Her thoughts could race to memories of what was lost, and passion for what was about to come.
The shriek was echoed through out the sky and into the farm fields below. It was the only sound made there now. Her subjects had no more need for food. Only hatred nourished them, their shared hatred of those who had betrayed their lady and master. The consumption of hate and malice filled their souls and gave them the strength to do what was necessary.
The shrieking was more violent now. As waves collide against a rocky shore so did these haunting sounds collide against the cold stones of the tower. Her home which had taught her and given her much, yet remained empty and hallow. Power meant nothing unless you could use it to extract your revenge. Revenge, a goal yet out of reach, she could no more grab it then she could strangle the loosed ravens' caw.
The fire now joined in completing the orchestra of night with its haunted crackles. The shadows moved in circles of the dark room crossing the cold bed and slithered across the walls and leapt to the ceiling. The shadows were all that accompanied her. Once a life full of friends set empty filled only with the mis-shapen demons of this room. So it would remain, until those friends returned and her army awoke. Until then she watched the shadows and stared into the fire.
The latest volley of notes landed on her pale balcony banner. It stared into the fire as well. That fire which had consumed and sustained, created and destroyed. The dark omen stared through her into the fire and in it she could see the fire as well. A cage with wings, that despite all of her fire she was still resting in a cage.
She lashed out and with no effort the rage took shape striking down the harbinger of the nights symphony. As the winged beast cascaded to the graveyard below two more landed each echoing.
She knew she would never be free.
Caw.. caw...caw...caw...caw...
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Protect the venom born
"we've lost the top levels an army of kajhitt fights with them we need all the miracles you have, if we are to save the venom born."
Seettth heard the words and one of his heads retorted, "if you would have done your job, they would be dead or chasing a different lead. You have failed the venom born and nag. But I will save us."
The six heads chanted and prayed in unison. The filth of power flooded the temple and the corridors. Those dwarf spirits so long ago lost and slain by Brendon clung to their mine and their treasure. Now through the power of nag they emerged. Centuries of hatred and venom corrupted their soul as they absorbed hatred and malice from the holy defilers who made their grave a home.
"The unborn now rise and defend the venom born. One more life lost and chosen child shall lead them on."
Sunday, August 25, 2013
To my brother in nog
Bearskin speaks very highly of your skills. I think you are ideal for a crucial job.
My father has taunted me with his disapproval and shame long enough now he and his brothers pay the price.
You well find in third chest enough gold to cover any expenses and take care of your mother in comfort the rest of her life.
Bearskin will help you get in to Ulfric. Kill him and my father will come. Use the black venom to poison their meal or slots their throats one by one just make sure the stormcloak family is all dead before they leave.
Kind regards,
The leading man
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Orders are Orders
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Blood Wars
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Friends in low places
"very good Tony." Castor said as he thumbed through the book. He was trying to gather as much info as he could on the cult before they sent in new priests to reclaim their temple.
The book was worn but not old. The parchment dirty but readable. The not quite black ink was somehow unsettling but he read on.
"the year of the snake shall be a glorious year. Now with the venom born among us we no longer have to beg for scraps but instead embrace our destiny."
Castor figured that was the reason for the blatant courage of the assassin den. He read through letters between the now dead high priestess and a man named Sven. Sven referenced an old dwarves mine in the misty mountains. Castor knew that was called Dragon reach just outside the city of Brendon Ford.
"Tony, I want you to send someone to riverwood. It's a small logging outpost beyond an imperial city called Brendon Ford. See what you can dig up about the venom cult there. Also in case they do decide revenge is the better option to obedience, take this book to a squealing pig and make sure it makes it to the hands of the agency. Keep the cult busy with the empire they won't have the time to fight us, they will need our help. Go ahead say it."
Tony said simply, yes boss.
No, the other thing
You are a genius.
Yes I am.
Monday, July 29, 2013
In the name of the Saint
The Saint had moved his Cathederal to the Steppe near dragon. He thought the steppe people with their disorganized religion open to the doctrine of Justice only the Saint could bring. They has of yet proved unpredictable. They did not oppose or resist but lacked the ability thus far to commit to the Saints banner. It was not his only goal.
The Empire was his prize. Red Paladin had a claim to the throne and curing the plague would make him a hero among the people. Act justly and the treasure will follow. He had found a way to kill the small golemns but the problem was expanding the area of effect. For that he had another solution. The Red paladin was tasked with finding a Kale Star Gate for that purpose.
Prince Rajah entered the Cathederal flanked by the leaders of his harem. He had been summonned by the Red Saint. This Saint showed up from nowhere or so they say. Prince Rajah's people had been wandering with out homes for over a year since Gulg fell and the Crusader armies marched through their jungles. He led them to Dragon looking for a home and only found corruption and dishonest cut throats who demanded loyalty tribute and even the selling of his people to slavery for their arena, all whom he did not trust. His people were a proud people, a good people with honor and the rats of Dragon had none.
So his people continued homeless, some would say leaderless. The pride was loyal to him as they were his father King Drugo. He was mighty in battle and the hunt and never gave the pride reason to doubt. He died as the armies of Gulg attacked the jungle. Without the king Rajah could not hold their ancient homeland and they fled.
Now he walked through the great expansive room of the Cathederal admiring the lights as they danced through the colored windows and painted the room with strange hues. Organ music echoed and filled the vast space along the columns and pews. At the far end was an altar of some kind and what seemed like a throne or stage.
"Prince Rajah and chief concubines as summoned by the Voice of Justice. The Red Saint." A herald called out among the organ music which stopped promptly. The man dressed in red and religious robes held a marvelous staff in his hand that must have been made of gold and adorned with jewels. Was this the saint? The man motioned the Kajitt forward.
The young Prince stepped lightly but with grace through the aisle and approached the altar. It was then the old man spoke. He spoke in calm tones with confidence and purpose, "Welcome Prince. The cause of justice requires something you have in your possession." He is direct and wants something of mine, perhaps this was a trap. "I am attempting to remove the golemn plague from the world and save millions of lives that would otherwise unjustly end. To do this I need the Horn of Valere."
The prince's hand went to his side grasping the horn. "This horn is the symbol of nobility to my people. How our roar is heard across the jungle. Our pride and heroes are bound to it. We have so little I can not part with this too."
"With out it millions will continue to die. Millions will die that you could have saved. It is unjust for I to take something that belongs to you, so I will not take it by force. I will offer what I think is fair payment -- to be enfranchised as members of the Red Army and subjects to the Crystal Empire. You will have a home and a purpose, something that you've been lacking. If not I will hold you for trial for preventing the cause of justice and when found guilty strip you of your property for punishment."
The prince did not know what to think. Here was a powerful man who had summoned him with his people on the edge of extinction. His pride nowhere left to go and with no options were offered a ray of hope. This Saint could grant them a home, but he also had the power to kill them all and take what he wanted. Was the fact that he was asking before taking a sigh this man had honor, the stories seemed to say that, or was it simply a sign of arrogance.
"May Drugo forgive me." He said after a long pause and laid the horn upon the Altar of the Saint.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
As embers burn and wait for fuel
So she waited in her chamber. She admired her fire as it popped and cracked seemingly to a rhythm she could almost dance to. The embers were low and the flames soft. The fire had reached a decision point, now it could cool leeching off the small bits left and quietly fade leaving only darkness. Or with the addition of more wood or coal the flames would again spring to life finding a way to consume all with in it's reach.
She found a strong roundness for this unique time. A time between warm and cold, beginning or ending, light or darkness. This time of the fire would last a long while, perhaps through the day. A fool would consider the coals to cool too early and burn his hand. The thought made her giggle. But a wise man would know the flame lingers often hidden for hours and that it waits only for a breath to spring to life devour.
So it was with her apprentices. Stolen them from family made them immortal and sustained them by the blood of their loved ones. She knew that a wise vampire would grow his coven to a balance with the population, like wolves and rabbits. The wolves needed the rabbits. Like the flame, it can only grow as large as the fuel it consumes. She had grown her army too fast and there were none left but her vampiric sith.
That was all she needed the largest army possible. They would come, either in attempt to destroy her or to save her they would return to ravenloft and she would be sure to have the strength to end them all no matter their preparation. It was all she thought about, that and her beautiful Tatyana.
It had taken them longer that she thought. Again she had over estimated their capacity and desire. But she knew they would come, so she ordered her army to their coffins to sleep until they arrived. Then....she threw a long upon the smoldering embers waking the fire and bringing forth ravishing flame...she would have her revenge.
Dragon competes militarily economically and culturally against the Empire Geneva and company with the population of only a few million. They do this by aggressively defending their independence and freedom. Another example of duality. To an outsider this drive is paranoid, hostile and exhausting. For example they have declared any Genevan citizen coming to the city without invite is an immediate action of war and subject to brutal military counter strikes. To a native this drive and pride in the city is noble wise and brave. The imperialist pigs would destroy them if given the chance and it takes courage to stand up against the bigger and stronger aggressor.
Babylon Assyria
Hallelujah to the Saint
Jong Guo
Temple of Nog
And finally the Temple of Nog
The Temple was polluted with horrible carnal images and statues of grotesque forms of debauchery and violence. Castor liked it. They were hostilly greeted by the Yuanti Priestess. They were often hostile towards those not of their kind.
She was flanked by her muscle -- an abomination half snake half man creature who breathed in short hisses.
Castor adjusted the lapels of the coat. Then in a flash drew his cross bow and placed a bolt right between the eyes of the temple guard without breaking eye contact with the priestess, "Hospitality is what brings me in. Lets say someone walked into your home univited and just killed someone. Rude Right?"
From every shadow and dank corner and creases of the temple came Yuanti of every breed.
Castors men drew swords as they were surrounded and Castor slows lowered his cross bow, "You feel upset and threatened and even betrayed. Such things would lead to do any number of rash and dangerous actions am I right?"
The Priestess hissed back, "You can angered the Children of NOG poison shall find your veins."
"And still this hostility, I don't understand we maybe in your temple babe, but your temple is in my city."
"It is suicide for you to anger us. You must know this."
"You are top notch assassins no doubt. We have worked together many times before, I am however immune to poison... so forgive my lack of intimidated nature. My question is why a friend, a great friend, one that I've made possible to live in this town would pull a job the size of killing an IMperial Nobles' son without at least talking to me. Like I said, its Rude...Plain rude."
"The Children of Nog need no permission."
An illumination moment struck Castor in the middle of this drawn blade standoff, "The Venom Born must have hatched. You guys get so brave everytime one of your messiah children show up. And everytime you have to be reminded that we have survived his predecessors and we will survive this one. And once he is dead the Lotus will still own this town, how can I get that through your head. It seems like I have to do this every century."
"So long as one of us breath the noxious breath of life this Black Venom Cult will push forward. Our primary tenants teach that revenge is a holy obligation. You know as well as I that as soon as you have wronged us there will not be peace for you as long as one spark of life lives in one larva."
Castor took in a deep breath, "Well that's my answer I guess." He turned to mist and Vini and Tito flood the temple with fire and lightning. Lotus agents flooded into the temple daggers flying. Screaming, hissing, blood, poison, death and glory. Then silence.
Castor walked over the dead Yuanties to the last living soul. The bruised and broken abomination looked up with blood shot eyes and gurgled black blood up his throat. Castor stared down for a long moment and took his hat off his head and kneeled down beside the creature. "Now, I know what she said about the whole last spark of life nonsense. But see, I believe people can be reasonable. I believe the Black Venom Cult and the Black Lotus still have a long and glorious future together. It is your people who made the first insult and your people who spilled all this blood today. But I think you'll find my lot a forgiving sort." He placed a Black Lotus blossom on the chest of his foe. "Take that to your venom born, and tell Setttth you run his marks in my city by me first. Its a rough town you can use a friend."