Captain Dante paced outside General Galan's tent and Abraham's words echoed in ears, you know something is wrong with Galan. He is a part of the corruption. Dante knew it, Dante knew it to be true. "HE'll never listen to me anyway." He screamed out with only Lucian close enough to hear.
He teleported to James waiting about 15 miles north of Jonathan's army. "Are the gates set up?" He asked his Dragon Sworn. "Yes, my Lord. Command adn your army marches to you."
"The order is given."
Between the two poles shown a shimmering silver screen and walking through it was rank after rank of infantary all sworn to follow Dante as the DragonSworn. Dante still was not sure if he was the good or bad of the prophecy but Abraham had given him the marks and Abraham had commanded him to bring the army forward and Abraham had promised the end of this war and victory.
As he was contemplating the exact next move Jonathan made it for him. No more than 100 meters from their position a troop of archers appeared.
"Archers!!" James called out and the infantary charged. A small group of the Rocks man dropped a cloak of invisibility.
Dante had only ment to use the army to draw the Rock to him to talk. The Rock was bent on death and ordered his men to fight harder.
The rock's move was swift but not strong enough. Dante was able to get more and more men through. He had to fight it to a stand still.
Dante called out, "BRING ME THE ROCK, WHERE ARE YOU? FACE ME!!!"
The armies halted. 10 minutes later the a carriage pulled up as ranks of Jonathan's men parted to let it through. Banners of the Grey Dragon Flew from it.

A hearld stepped down from the carriage, "BE it known to all present you are about to stand and bask in the greatness of the chosen one, the great one, the People's champion.. . THE ROCK." The entire crowd of Jonthan's soliders cheerred singing praises to the man Dante had to kill. Dante's men, who a minute ago were fighting and dieing with out fear for who they believed in now started to shiver and avert their eyes.
Jonathan climbed on top of the carriage to see over look the entire battle field and started, "Look at you Dante. YOu bring your army, a bunch of low class nobodys who swear alliegence to you because they aren't as smart as the Rock. The Rock sees what you are. And here in front of the Millions.." the army echoed, " AND MILLIONS" "Of the ROcks fans, The Rock will take your little tattoed body and layeth the smack down so hard you can't even cry. There are two options for you-- nothing and like it."
As he raised an eyebrow and responded even fed off the cheers of the crowd, Dante piped up, "I will meet you in a challenge of champions. The honored tradition of one on one combat to settle differences beyond contestation in honor of the Great Fathers defeat of the Titans. The conditions are this. Whoever wins recieves all the titles and power the other had."
"You want to dicatate terms to the ROck , like your somebody, like your a big shot--when obviously your not. If you want a challenge of Champions...YOU GOT IT."
A spray of acid flew from teh Rocks fingers and engulfed Dante in such pain he fell to the ground. Before Dante knew what happened his head was severed from his shoulders. I was suppose to win.
Dante stoop up to see the Rock's back moving away from him. The entire crowd around him echoed a large gasp. "This isn't over ROck." Dante said as he drew his Katana.
The Rock raised an eyebrow and drew both swords. He was fast too fast. Dante could not block the blows adn felt each blade sever his skin and scales and could smell his organs spill to the ground. Dante fell to the earth in several pieces.
Dante stood up seeing Jonathan again playing to the cheers of the crowd and heard someone, "He's still up." Dante could not beat him as a human and released his true Form.

Jonathan returned the favor and transformed into a massive Grey Dragon.

Dante release a bout of flame but the Grey Dragon was on him pinning him to the ground and tearing out Dante's throat before the breath weapon was even finished. It was then Dante felt it. A coal of smoldering embers just beyond his reach. He reached for it.
Torrents of Black flame and lightning sprung from him in uncontrollable torrents. He was sprung free of the Rock's grip and was only vaguelly aware of the entire composition of both armies buring and dieing.
"See, the Dark One's own power. I will destroy you Deciever." There was almost a hint of doubt in his voice as he started to Cast.
Dante reached again and felt like he had become an irrogation canal for this ocean of choas that he was unleashing to the world. Mountains bend and twist as they are created from the flat plains around them. Men screamed and died. INcluding the Rock.
Dante rested on the ground among the twisted rocks and mangled bodies. There was no life around. He stood over the Rock's dead body and could not do nothing as the magic wrapped around the scene he could not help but ROAR.
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