Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fall of Prythos

The people of Prythos were relieved when Commander Tyrone and his soliders arrived on General Galan's orders. After the Dragon attack, The Rock's army continued to march North. The city was so easy to defend being built on canals within the water and large cantons, the 500 men Galan had teleported here in addition to any city guard could have held a seige indefinetly despite the huge difference in number. Commander Tyrone had always loved the sea, which led him to join the navy. He found Prythos to be a lovely way to live directly on the sea.

That all changed. It started in the northern most canton. The towers just started falling into the sea. It was the sound Tyrone best remembered. Stones cracking as they collided against each other and the bridges connecting the towers tore and crumbled. The sound of the stone hitting the water and the massive back splash engulfing the other low levels of hthe surrounding towers. People were screaming. Then the screams muffled by drowning. Tyrone issued order after order to evacuate but the next tower sank too. The sound that was loudest to him was the silence. No explosions they just acted like the supports that were once there were no longer there.

The attack, if you could call it that, lasted 30 minutes and there were no towers left standing. The clean up and the search Tyrone and the soliders would do seemed as though it would never end.


"Jonathan took out Prythos. Used magic to turn the supports to mud. He was just trying to prove a point. He moved to ensure you would have to engage him," Pinch said. Galan dismissed him trying desperately to ingore the guilt he felt for following Jag's advice and trying to call the bluff. Galan knew, The Rock never Bluffs

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