Lord Raquel had reserved them seats at the State Dinner in Atlanta that evening. Assyria sent some diplomats to request humanitarian aid as their harvest was poor and what wealth they did have was squandered by nobels. Serith was curious as to how Lord Raquel would address the situation but now he had worries on the other side of the world. Geneva was becoming not only a religious leader but after the Two Fronts War with Dragon and the Doomguard, it was politically uniting many parts of the world. One of Seriths associats in the body guard told him he had heard the Talyun Emperor was coming next week to negiotiate their annexation into Geneva. The world was uniting friendships were being made and being made deep. With the Dark One defeated and imprissioned it was time for peace. It was time for friendship.
The dancing and feasting ended and Lord Raquel and Councilman Drackus approached. Raquel gave a slight incline of his head and Drackus began. "I am councilmen Drackus of Geneva. It is good to see you again Luther. Been too long since my axe and your staff fought beside eachother."
Serith spoke up, "Let me introduce our guest." Katar burst in with the touch of drama he was known for, by whatever name he used. "I am formally Captain Dante of Geneva and now King KATAR SKYRIM of the Grey Haven's and Enron. I am prepared to hand the kingdom over to you, to Geneva. Some of the people are starving and we must work together."
Drackus calmly responded, "Which kingdom? Enron or the Grey Havens? Do you rule both or just one."
Katar's confidence shook and he looked back and forth in the room. "Um.. we'll let Enron make its own decision. But the grey haven's I'll hand over."
"So will you keep Enron then for yourself to rule?"
"Um..." He looked at the ground, "I thought ... maybe Illyena."
"These are kingdoms with thousands of people who depend on you. The council will review all requests for annexation properly submitted through legal channels. We just need to be sure we know what we are annexing." THose sounded like Raquel's words coming from the Dwarves mouth.
"We'll let me go back and get things in order and we'll see what we can do."
Drackus nodded, "Geneva stands ready to fight the fights taht need fighting and aide all in need. We'll just make sure you know what you are giving us before you give it to us."
"Thank you COuncil." Katar then noticed Raquel had been starting at him the entire time. Not the typical awe inspiring and motivating stare of confidence but one of caution. He spoke up, "Drackus, what about the prophecy?"
Drackus continued, "Yes, Polaridin and Katar what have you discussed?"
Polaridin began his very academic explanation about how prophecy was difficult to read and there are many interpretations. "My main concern is he power he claimed to weild during the battle with Jonathan. It doesn't seem right."
Katar mentioned, "I don't know where it came from. I died prayed in the afterlife and returned as a gold dragon. Since then destiny has seemd to direct me."
"I believe his prayer was answered by something other than the Great Father."
Raquel asked a question from mid air that had no connection to the conversation. THough Raquel was never random. Serith searched fo the meaning to his queation. "Have any of you ever see an forsaken?" Polaridin was the first to respond, 'I can't believe I did not see it. THe spec in his left eye is SA. He's channelling choas magic." Their was emotion in the words but more shock at not knowing than alarm at the fact he just relayed. It was true, serith had faced Ishmael, the head and most powerful of all the forsaken- of all the remaining followers of the Dark One, before and his eyes had completely decayed due to the impact of the Choas magic.
Serith, spurred by the fact Raquel must be going somewhere with this thought, crafted and illusion of Ishmael as he remembered from his last comment.
Katar sprung up recoiling from the picture. "NO, NO, NO!!!!!" He spun back and forth, "BY OLYMPUS, ABRAHAM IS ISHMAEL!!!!"

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