YOu have broken the covenant.
Katar heard the voice in his head just as he fell to the ground and started convulsing.
A remove curse and heal spell from Lord Raquel had stopped the seizures but Katar was still out cold. Raquel looked straight at Serith. "This is a King in out custody, connected to the Forsaken. FIX THIS. If his mind is corrupt you may want to speak with Jeric in the Showgun temple. He needs to be revived and returned to his people."
Drackus added, "For now the Illyena on the throne will rule both kingdoms."
The priests at the temple did what they could. They told Polaridin that the choatic magic of the Dark One was being fed into him and that there was no known way to remove the effects of the SA. That brought them here, to the Showgun temple. The showgun were a quasi religious group that seemed to mistake the inate power all beings have, their will and psionic, with a mystical force that governed the multiverse. Magic, QI, the force, gods spells, they were all differently refined versions of the same multiversal glue. All things were made up of a combination of matter and energy all in various forms but they originated from the same strings of what Polaridin thought of as Ether. These strings woven, some said by gods others said by random chance(Polariding believed a combination of both), into the tapestry called reality. These strings brought order to Choas. In the beginign there was only choas and darkness--this Choas as the Dark One. From the void sprung the titans adn eventually the Gods who further molded the strings into reality. INfinite planes and dimensions mirroring and growing off of eachother. The Dark One wants to unravel the tapestry and bring all back ot his control and random domain.
The choas magic was what scholars called the energy of the pure Choas, the energy of the Dark One. It was immensly powerful and inherently destructive. The Dark One taught the forsake and the forsaken taught only a handful of others to use it. It was random avalanches of almost unenergy. It was that energy that was channelled through Katar and was causing him to start to decay from with in the soul. It was unlike anything, and therefore no one knew how to treat it. Raquel had suggested Jeric so that was were they were now.
Jeric divided his conscienceness into two pieces. One personality was devoid of will of its own. THe dual personality would act as a buffer of defense and would allow him to double his efforts. They became the world around them, then became one with Katar's mind. Torrents of exploding whirlpooled energy wrestled all through the mind. Then there was a voice, a voice in the dark.

"Let the choice be Katar's. Katar, in only a few days I have brought you from dead to a powerful Dragon and King with millions at your command, riches adn power and freedom beyond that you have ever experienced. What have your friends done since they met you? Strung you along like a pet child. Receive your punishment and serve me, claim what you can hold."
Jerics responded, "Stop poisoning his mind."
Katar said, "You are right Ishmael, you gave me much but I serve the Great Father adn i serve the Light."
Hurricanes of blackness engulfed Katar's voice and hid it. Jerics reached for it and grasp tight. The choatic backlash was so strong that the second personality fell completly consumed by choas and madness. Jeric erased it form the pool of the force. "Leave Dante now or I will not stop until I destroy you."
ONly laugher responded. Laugher of a mind beyond the line of sanity. Then there was a voice, "Yes, the great Jeric and his noble quests. Forgive me if I do not fear your hollow threats. Perhaps you'll deal with me after you avenge your life stolen by Ashrum, or maybe after you address the intelligent golemns and their conneciton to Persephone, or any of the hundred other promises you make."
"I have faced stronger than you and lived."
Laughter, "You are still a little boy who doesn't realize the game he's playing. YOu can't play a game by rules when the entire point of the game is remove all the rules." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Jeric moved quickly to build a partition around Katar's mind. It severed the connection and blocked the stream of choas. He could not undo the damage but he could stop it from getting worse.
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