Polaridin did not acknowledge his servant. He was too busy digesting what he had been told. Jonathan was his faithful servant and champion. It was he who first recognized his marks for what they were. He had sworn allegiance to Polaridin and vowed to keep him secret until he had decided where to go next. Polaridin could not imagine a world with out the Rock. In many way, the Rock was his best ally.
He stood and walked to his reflecting pool. His eyes and ears outside the tower

Vadellya jumped but only slightly, "Luther...How are you?"
"I'm well Vadellya. Seems I've been gone a long time."
"Indeed, what have brought you here?"
"The Rock has been killed. I thought you might know about it."
"Yes Dante killed him and ended the war. oh, he has the same marks on his arm that oyu did. That was why Jonathan wanted to kill him..."
Polaridin, expressionless, absorbed the information as she went on about the details. Everything was important so he did not stop her. He was intrigued by this Dante. "So Jonathan thought he was the second one of the prophecy I thought that was all decided that was Abbadon." The expression on Vadellya's face came only a moment before Polaridin realized what he had done.
The ground shook and blood began to boil out of the ground where he stood. The earth split and cracked revealing a troop of Skeletal warriors climbing from the underworld. Alarms sounded and Polaridin starting throwing balls of magicall energy into each of them. The battle would not last long.
Jag had just left Galan's tent and left him pacing. Something is wrong about that man. He did not have time to think about it because alarms started going off. Lucian burst in with Kendall in toe. "Undead sir. They seem to have been summonned." Galan called back, "Isolate destroy and bring me the necromancer responsible. Go." Kendal saluted but was leaving before the salute was even complete. Galan smiled he liked to see such passion and zeal for a job. It made him realize he was not fighting the war against the shadow by himself.
Less than ten minutes later, Luther was brought in Kenall holding his staff. "LUTHER?" Taking just a second to let it sink in, "Vadellya you can stay. Kendal leave us."
"Good to see you Galan. General Galan from the looks of it. I'm hear to find out about Jonathan and this Dante who killed him."
"Well, Dante has moved to his Palace in Grey Havens and the Rock got checked into his own hotel. If your back in the world and are looking for Dante thats not an issue of international implication."
"I should check with Lord Raquel."
Galan leans over and scribbled a writ. "If being royalty isn't enough to get you a quicker audience her is an edict with my seal. It also has a message for Raquel I need him to confirm something. I can't sent the message through tradition means because..well. The fact that Dante carries your same markings is something you of course have to resolve. For the well being of us all."
"I'll take the letter. Yes we had agreed that the deciever was the Dark One." Carefull not to name the Dark One.
"Yes, but the Dark ONe was defeated in Sigil. ALl the pieces are trapped in Raven Loft or destroyed."
"Information I wish I would have known earlier. Thank you General. HOpefully I'll be back soon."
Polaridin Te AL Mordin walked the halls of the Atlanta Palace. The palace that could have been his he supposed. Perhaps one day it would be. He was shown into a large room where Lord Raquel and Drackus were looking over some large stack of parchement. Raquel sprung to his feet and smiling ear to ear, "MY BOY, welcome back to the world. The world is glad to have you."
Speaking with a tone fitting his equal position Polaridin responded evenly, "How long I stay in this world is yet to be seen. I come inquiring about a Dante. Who recently killed Jonathan and carries the same marks that I do. The marks of prophecy."
"Exactly like your father." Raquel mused, "All purpose. Dante is now the King of Enron and the Grey Havens. He is also currently a Captain in the Genevan military. As far as the mark. That is a destiny the two of you share and must decide for yourself I'm afraid. Are you planning to see him?"
"Yes I wanted to gather as much information as I could before I sat down with him, or confront him depending on how the situation develops."
"My lord," Blades voice rang out, "If I may?" Raquel's voice rang out with his ussual mercy for those around him, "of course." Blade continued, "I would like to accompany Luther. It was one of my duties to instruct Dante, I should see that through. As well, I believe I can talk him into joining Geneva as he should. He's not ready to lead a kingdom that size. He still needs guidance and we should see him before the politics of the court spin him in different directions."
"Agreed." Raquel pronounced assertively. "Luther take Blade with you. Find out exactly what he intends. And act according to your heart. No one can ask more than that. May Hajama grant you the courage to defeat your challenges and may the light save you.
Before Polaridin turned to leave he help Galans message out in his left hand and floated it to Raquel's hand. "This is a private message from General Galan. Wanted me to deliever it."
Raquel took it and examined the wax seal, "Private message and you still openned it huh?" He broke the wax and unrolled the small parchment. Twisting one side of his mouth as if confused he handed it to Drackus, "YOu know about this?" Drackus took the parchment and examined it then shook his head. "Tell General Galan I'll look into it. I have my theroies."
"Very Well. Come Blade we have much to do."
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