"Power I grant you. Life I give unto you. Your will I remove from you."
Vadellya barely knew where she was. She had died before and it was nothing like this. Then suddenly, aghast, she realized who was speaking to her. "I'll never serve you!"
"In your mortal life you had that choice. You die within my arms and now I make that choice."
"I would rather die than be evil. Release me!" Vadellya screamed in her thoughts.
"No, you will be both dead and evil. But I give you a choice as the new lord of this castle. Arvan's servants -- should you keep them or destroy them?"
In what may have been her last act for the greater good she said, "Destroy all the undead here, I want none of them."

Vadellya could feel the power wash through her soul and the castle all around her. It was quick, and then she was different.
She had no physical feeling but magic pulsated through her, sustained her, drove her. She could smell life and it disgusted her. Choosing delusion over confrontation until she was more settled with the abilities she felt pulsating within her, she returned herself to her previous appearance.

That one bone of Bella's was still growing. With increasing speed, the marrow and the veins and the arteries continued their creeping regrowth. Along with it came the bone, and flesh growing around it. It was a continual dance and weaving of flesh bone, growing and around and through and in front of and behind one another. Where one moment there was a 3 inch piece of bone, in another moment it was a wrist and forearm. Fingers started to twitch, nerves connecting. The hand flexing it's new fingers, then stretching them, building the muscle, only sped up the regeneration process. In another minute, the arm had grown and forming the shoulder, the collar bone, the perfect translucent skin stretching over the tendons and muscles. A neck was forming, and below the collar bone the most perfect bre--
Serith looked away, suddenly realizing that at any moment Bella's eyes would be there, and catch him staring. He set the regenerating vampire down, turned around and took a few steps away.
Suddenly, Bella was alive again. Or whatever it's called when an undead creature returns to the waking world, she thought wryly. Nearly simultaneously, her thoughts turned to Vadellya. Where is she? I must find her! Bella didn't even think to question the sudden loyalty she felt to the mage. It hadn't been there before, but it felt as natural as her thirst for blood.
The thirst!! And this time, there was no sense of morality telling her not to simply kill whomever she wanted. Interesting.......she thought. Fairly liberating, in fact. She would still have to be careful, of course. Most of the people she knew would frown upon her killing helpless humans. Maybe she should leave them. Tatyana was still waiting, still loved her. She will love me more now that I am willing to do whatever it takes. At the same time, she knew she couldn't leave. She could never leave Vadellya, not now.
Amidst all this cognition, Bella could also sense some kind of animal-like capability within her. Without missing a beat she realized that she could now take the form of a bat, just like other vampires.
This is going to be fun, Bella thought wickedly. But I won't let on just yet. I must see to Vadellya.
17 seconds had passed since Bella regained conscious thought.
Bella walked over to Vadellya and helped her to her feet. Before words could be exchanged, Dante burst into the room, carrying 2 poles, each 7 feet long. "Alright, I've got what I needed. Let's head back to the Isle!"
Nice to see you alive, too, Dante, Bella thought dryly. Then she noticed Serith, barely looking at her, though it seemed he was trying very hard to keep his gaze averted. Only then did she realize that while her vampiric body could withstand some flame, her clothes could not. In the same moment, Serith quickly removed his cloak and tossed it her. Bella deftly snatched the cloak out of the air, and smugly, tauntingly, slowly tied it around her neck. She pulled her hair out and shook it a bit with that same toying smile on face. "Thank you," she purred.
"Er, " Serith said, clearing his throat, "no problem. Let's head to the Isle and report."
Serith quickly teleported his party to the ramp leading onto the Isle, since teleporting directly onto the Isle itself was impossible. He and Dante started to ascend the ramp, then he noticed that Bella Light, could she be more beautiful? and Vandellya were not behind them. Dante, oblivious, continued on to the Isle.
"Aren't you two coming?" Serith questioned.
"I.....think we'll walk around the city, for now," Bella said, clearly hiding something.
"In that?" Serith wondered, indicating Bella's lack of proper attire for strolling about Atlanta.
"Oh. .... No," Bella said lightly, simply pulling at the cord and letting the cloak fall to her feet. She turned, linking her arm through Vadellya's and beginning to walk away.
That's weird...avert your eyes...are they evil? Serith detects evil on both women, and is shocked to find that they both are. Using the magic to hold, he freezes them.
To the Isle guard on the ramp, Serith says, "Send a messenger to Lord Raquel al-Shatel. Tell him Veritas has done something evil to Lady Vadellya Mogoth. He must come to the temple of Zeus in Atlanta immediately. Go! There is no time to waste!"
Serith picks up his cloak and teleports himself and the women to the temple of Zeus.
Raquel had lost his family. He had lost it several times. The shadow remained ever vigilent in its mission to rob him of any true joy he man have in his life. That was the burden a hero, a paladin, had to bear. He had married three times, all three times Drow had killed his family-- wife and children. One child survied, raised by them to be a weapon and vessel of hate--Thorn Serpent of Darkness. More than once Raquel had been forced to take his sons life.
He found a family in Logar. Logar was a orphan from the civil war after the collapse of the human empire. They were able to fill the whole eachother had, Raquel father to Logar and Logar was the son to Raquel, that Thorn should have been. Logar married and had a family. Tassadar and Luther Mogath. Luther fell to darkness and Raquel had to cut him down too. LOgar's wife Katherene became so overwhelmed at being Logar's wife and feeling the pressure of an evil son took her own life to end her pain. Tassadar was pure and valiant but the Dark One attacked him at his very soul. THe only way to stop the Dark One was to destroy Tassadar's soul.
The only sembelance of a family he had left, and it was not even really family, was Vadellya and her son. He had to save her. He could not save Roslynn, Maria, Sariah, Logar, Katherene, Luther, Thorn, or Tassadar. He would save Vadellya.
The thoughts all raced as he stormed into the temple of Zues. Serith stood holding the two woman. He openned his mouth to explain the situation, Raquel dismissed him, "Thank you, thats all, release them I'm fighting for their hearts."
Serith saluted and stepped out as Bella and Vadellya both began to move. "Are you well?" He asked sincerity and concern wrapped around his words as a blanket would be wrapped around a sick child.
"I'm fine." Vadellya responded sharply and almost defensive. "Except the fact Blade wants to Kidnap me. I am royalty after all."
"Yes you are. And no matter what happens you will be my family, and you'll always be Princess Mogath. " The expression on her face softenned just a tad and Raquel knew she could be saved. If she could still feel, still empathize, she could be saved. "Its because I care for you that I am here. I can sense the darkness that someone must have placed in your heart. I know you and I know you do not want that destiny."
"My destiny is my concern."
"Your right, and I can only help you if you want me to help you. We can all decided our own destiny, that includes you. I simply want to help you walk the best path for you. You stand at a crossroads. One path you would walk down, I can not walk with you, no matter how much I may. Nor can your son. If you reject my hand Gerizon will stay with Elaine in Andreal and only see you again if he is on a quest to destroy you. I know you love your son and I know he loves you. We all love you. Will you let the light save you?"
She fell to her knees and somehow those undead eyes produced tears. Even though her heart did not beat it broke just then, "Yes, ... please I've been turned into some kind of monster. You have to help me. PLEASE. Don't let this happen."
"No one walks so far in the shadow the light can not find them." Turning to Bella, "You are not my family, we have only met before in passing, but I know you. A woman with no people of her own. A women looking for friends and companionship. I know you care for Galan and his companions as they have shown you trust and protection. That will all go away and you will truly be alone if you walk this path."
Bella's pretty eys looked to the hunched over Vadellya and with longing muttered, "I want to be with Vadellya. I can not do that if she walks your path of light and do not."

Light engulfed and eminated from him. Raquel and called the avitar form of his God Hajama to chanel the strength needed. The light poured then shot from his hand penetrating both of the women he hoped to save. This would simply release Veritas's control and let them chose their own destiny. They would have the will to follow light or dark. He prayed that his words had led them to the path of Light. To allow them to be reborn from the Darkness to an even greater height.
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