Serith finished his debrief from his shift, blood pumping with anticipation. He was going to go and destroy Arvan today.
He had heard mention of Arvan from Raquel in discussing General Galan's exploits. A Paladin who chased clans of Storm Giants and Stone Giants from the low lands across the World's spine. He fell in love with some girl and neglected the kingdom, eventually falling from grace and becoming a Death Knight. Even though Logar had killed him nearly a decade ago he resurfaced. From the reports Galan gave, it was Veritas that brought him back - much more powerful than other Death Knights.
Death Knights were horrible creatures. Every one with a sad and tradgic story. Once great, they all remained only haunting shadows of what they once were. Serith felt pain for his loss but still wanted to rejoice because he provided the perfect oppertunity. A powerful Undead already an enemy to the Isle, this was the best scenerio for Serith to pay his debt to Hades. "Master Silverwing," a pages voice called him from his thoughts. "A group from General Galan is here. They heard you were moving on Arvan and wanted to go with you."
Even beyond the orders, which he felt odd that he was sworn to secrecy about, Abraham had placed something in Arvan's castle for Dante. Abraham had acted as his solemn spiritual guide since bringing him back to life. The Isle needed cleansed of its corruption it was Dante's crusade to redeem it. The corruption ran so deep that the angel Abraham made him take a vow of secrecy. Abraham had a plan for the salvation of the Isle and it was up to Dante's faith to execute it perfectly. This was a step in that direction. When Arvan was destroyed, Dante would find his way to the basement and take the teleport gates. His DragonSworn army would then come to his back, and Jonathan would be defeated. So he waited for Serith with Vadellya and Bella.

"ddddDieeeeeee" The sound was carried on the wind as they were surrounded. "ddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee" The wind cut through their bones. Serith spoke up, "We are here to see Arvan. We come from Galan who has been looking for Tatyana."
"yyoouur weapons...llleeeeeave em." Serith nodded and everyone dropped their weapons. Dante still had his breath weapon, so did Serith-and his spells, Vadellya could cast and did not need weapons and Bella was more dangerous with her bare hands than with any weapon. The quick conformity to their demands would only have Arvan fall into a false sense of security.
Walking through a castle filled and stained with death had no impact on Bella. Serith tried to mimic that despite the pungent odor of it assaulting his nostrils. It did not matter because a moment later they stood before the Lord of the Castle.

Serith contemplated for just one second not following through with this. The half dozen Skeletal warriors in the room would be nothing to worry about. What stopped him was his pity. He used words like brother and bride. He considered Galan a brother of the cloth though he had long since become a corruption of that ideal and this Tatyana, his bride, though she had long left him. He guessed that to a Death Knight, it was necessary to hold on to the past--that was all they had.

They were gone.
Bella and Vadellya had died because of him. The plan was so simple, he was sure they could have overpowered Arvan. How is he still standing. Regardless of how he was still fighting, his female companions were not. Arvan had slain them; Serith had failed them! They only thing he could do was channel his hatred and anger. He drew as much magical energy into him as he could hold and
released it as a dam trying to hold back a river that was too strong the dam might burst. Fire tore through the room and the tower exploded in a rain of fire and light.

Arvan was gone. Serith tried to comfort himself in knowing that Arvanwould have preferred death to the state he had been in. Perhaps in a way Serith had even saved him. Dante was fine, being immune to fire. But.......he was not in the room. He could sense the gold dragon below him. Strange.....
Serith did too, but for the remaining piece of Bella. Somehow, if could find what little remains of her there was left, he thought it would be easier to be at peace. He smelled her and pulled up a small piece of bone. It was not as small as before and his acute Dragon eyes actually saw the marrow exteneding out growing, regenerating at an accelerated rate. Vampires, he thought almost with a smile.
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