Sunday, November 25, 2012

Raven and the seven, I mean, six dwarves

Raven returned with the druid safely in a bag of holding. She was going to chain her up with the other prisoners.  She had kept Wesker and the dwarves chained in sith chains, which neutralized their abilities, in one great room facing each other.  As she enterred, She heard razor argueing with Astrid who stood brave and full of conviction before the Red Lantern Commander keeping her post the guard the prisoners, "I answer to Raven-- not you."
Razor retorted, "this is Apokolip's city, the city of the lantern, I lead the lanterns and I will not have these organics in my city."
Raven stepped out of the shadows, "keep your jurisdiction in your pants, I'm charged by the Emperor directly with keeping your lord safe, don't question my methods lest I consider you a threat."

"There are many of the lantern's children who already think you are a threat Raven.  Bringing our enemies into our city when there is nothing to be gained from them and with Scorpio focusing the force on the lantern and using it to touch the minds of the children, they will not tolerate it much longer, they doubt your resolve, I doubt your resolve."

Without a word Raven drew her blade of woe and shoved it up through the chin of sneezy directly into her brain pulling the blade out through Sneezy's face in one fluid motion splitting the dwarves face in two. "How's that for resolve?  They still play a purpose don't question me or your face could look just as lovely."
Razor narrowed his eyes, "You and your vampires and your sith watch yourselves, because I will be watching." As he left in a whirlwind of fire, Grumpy spoke in a horse voice heavily laquered in anger, "Nor should you doubt my resolve whore."

Astrid slapped the dwarf draining part of his life on contact. "You will be wise not to threaten the shrouded mistress."
Grumpy grimaced and continued, "It does not matter what you do to me, in this life or the next, with a soul or as an undead I will have my vengence."
Raven took three long strides toward the dwarf, "Then with that kind of resolve it would be foolish to leave you alive."

Happy interjected, "Grumpy! channel your anger at the real enemy here.  It is not her, she is a victim of circumstance, it has been said you tell the quality of a person by how they treat those they do not need to be nice too.  Despite all the pressure to harm us, she only holds us her until made to act by another.  This Scorpio she answers too is the obvious villain."
Raven looked over at Happy and pulled a vile from her belt, "I couldn't agree more that Scorpio is the cause of your suffering dwarf." She poured the liquid on her curved blade of woe. "The poison is made from a berry that only grows in the darkwood.  Not deadly but extremely painful.  It ignited the blood, most people would scream for hours even after they pass out."  Standing in front of the mute dull eyed Doopy she continued, "I also agree you can tell the quality of a person by how they treat those who they don't have to be kind to." She drives the blade deep into Doopy's side perfectly splitting some ribs. Making eye contact with happy she continued,  "He is mute so can't scream, perhaps that is merciful to the rest of you." Turning to Astrid Raven spoke as she strode out, "the coven can feed on grumpy just don't turn him. What does that tell you about the quality of person I am?"

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