Raven returned to her dark Temple. Though her trip to the bei shir library did not find what she was looking for, it found what she needed. Pulling her cowl and veil down she prayed with her lips still behind a mask. Placing the heart of an innocent in the bowl and pouring goat blood to fill it she looked into the horrific statue of the one winged man holding the bowl. He stood in the ribcage of a stone giant skeleton that was placed within the ribcage of a dragons skeleton. Holding the black skull in her hands she prayed,

"Sithis hear my prayer. The sins of the unworthy need bathed in blood and fear. Our cause has found and path. Zyr's heretical life can soon end. I have found his weakness, the orbs through which he projects his power house bits of his soul. Destroy them and he dies. The merovingian has captured one and only asks for the soul of apocalypse in exchange. Please my lord and master for your glory grant me the soul of your follower apocalypse and I shall use it to end the rebellion against thee, for thy name and purpose will I slay zyr."
The heart began to beat and red light with black smoke filled the chamber until both skeletons appeared to breath. The dragon spoke, "my child, you have pleased me. We must act quickly to seperate the golemns from their master and not lose them to our cause. Preperations to be made...you must travel to city 10 and prevent any others from capturing apocalypse. He is your charge to protect until sithis prepares the way."
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