Doc gatherred his brethren together, they had been commissioned for a very important job. This band of mercenary dwarfs had fought together for decades but never was their a job which promised to pay more. Directly commissioned by the Empress, may she live forever.

Grumpy was the most ferious warrior Doc had ever seen. Family lost to him in when the Blood war spilled into the Dwarven caverns. He took the path a violence and strength. He fought with out hesitation, with out mercy and with out failure.

Happy however, found his skill more in song. As a bard he became equally skilled with a lute, sword, and spell book.

Sleepy was a priest of Morpheus, the god of dreams. He was also docs brother, determined to keep his older brother alive he joined the crew to offering healing despite his moral objections to their many activities.

Bashful was called that because he hated being seen. The shadows protected him and no trap surprised him and no lock had withstood him.

The only woman among them was called Sneezy, after her fondness for manipulating breath weapons. She was a mage by trait but had long studied the ancient mage of the voice bendind ancient draconic words into powerful attacks.

Then there was dopey. He could not speak or grow a beard. The story was a goblin shaman cursed his mother when she was heavy with him. Regardless of the reason he was dumber than a troll but twice as furious. Simply point him in the direction of something to destroy and his great warhammer destroyed it.
"My brothers, the Empress may she live forever, has asked us to go on a perilous quest. The intelligent golemns who were recently destroyed in there city south of Dragon and before that killed so many in the battle of Oa, remain hidden. She has had her Shogun knights searching the world for signs of their rage. they remain hidden. There are someplaces so corrupt by the darkside they can not see, such as the darkwood. She wants us to go in and search it directly. In return she has offered us all estates, titles, and exclusive mining rights to the misty mountains in the empire. It is more wealth than we could dream of."
The vote was 6 for none against, dopey never voted, so they armed and set off for the darkwood.
4 months later------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Wesker was meeting with Eric Silvermoon at his fortress which overlooked the Darkwood. Their meeting was interrupted by a Dwarf repelling in through the window. He was heavily wounded beaten and burned. Wesker moved faster than was possible for an elf and pinned him to the ground, "What is the meaning of this Dwarf?" In raspy labored breath the dwarf could only whisper one word, "Apocalypse."
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