Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Savior and Destroyer (Jordan's Post)


Luther will be at the front watching the battle as his fellow dragons fight on the blood Isle to keep their lands and their Dragon sworn protected from the monster Zyr that had the nerve to come back and think he could force his influence on us. Us the true Gods of the Earth not those beings on Olympus who so foolishly protected Dante and brought the Death to 400 of my fellow Dragons and the deaths of Dante’s entire southern army what a fool. Zyr my goodness he and Dante should be brothers compared to the way they both act. As Luthor looked out again to see the front he would always see some of his brothers dyeing and think to himself if Dante was so great why he is letting his own people die, if he really wanted to protect his Elves Human Dwarves but not his own people how can he claim to be a great King.
Dante will be in his study and office working on tasks that he worries daily after. The finances of the kingdom the army’s slow growth and the slow economic growth that his people have but being grateful to the gods for the large harvest his people had and that food was in the high abundance. As he continues his study he turns to another table to the left of his which contains the present day intelligence of the war presently going on, on the blood Isle. Dante will think to himself something his scholar said that will radiate in his mind almost daily. The Dragon Zyr must be bound to something otherwise that’s the only reason I can think of why he wouldn’t be dead. The King then responds bound to what? The scholar then says , I am guessing to Hoar croxes things that he can bind his soul too so that when he is defeated he would die. But to kill him permanently you would have to destroy the Hoar croxes. As Dante ponders this he thinks of the meeting he had scheduled with the council of Geneva to discuss this discovery and seek ways to find them.
Luthor watched endlessly as he watched the battles continue to plague his kind. He watched after waves and waves of Demons continue to challenge the Dragons and as the roar of battle proceeded Luthor would be HAUNTED when a Huge fearsome one winged monster Dragon appeared before his people and did nothing but launch his powerful breathweapon upon his fellow dragons and they would turn to ash and die. When this happened Luthor would sound the retreat. He would then think to himself wow I am glad I am not stupid like Dante and choose to stupidly charge strait for Zyr. As the retreat began Luthor would then begin to prepare a new line of Defense against his Adversary and say to himself eventually Zyr you will make a mistake and I will be waiting to capitalize on it.
As Dante continued to study the intelligence he will look at the lit candle on his Desk and think to him self of those few seconds that he be held in his sights the Horrible monstrous look of Zyr and as he charged to suddenly see his mouth open and he appears back on his throne. He will look upon the memory of it almost with anger sorrow and bitterness. The memory will run through his mind like a trauma that will Haunt him daily. During the night as he needed a break from his work he would look out his window and say out loud Odysseus were going for a walk in the Graveyard of my men. His men that had died on the beach he made sure to visit and by kingly order had made sure their stones were kept clean and neat. As he stud before his men he treated them as if they could hear him. Even though they were in the underworld he knew they could hear him because the dead could hear the thoughts of the living whenever they were being thought of. He thought unto them saying that he was grateful for their courage on the beach. However as your king I will be better because as your king it is my duty to serve you it is my responsibility to protect you and uplift you. Today I have made a decision that you all inspired me to do. Today I will seek out a teacher and become a Grandmaster. But after that task is done I will not stop until Zyr the one winged Dragon is ripped down into the underworld by the power of Zeus the one true king of the this world and all the children that were now fatherless by the power of Hera they will know Justice. And through the power of Tear’s Justice I will I will shower Zyr with the power of Thor the Defender of the Earth. And as the End of Zyr comes I will sprinkle the water of Posieden upon his impure body to purify it of his evil his power and eventually his Hoar croxes. I hope your there as I will desire to be when Logar brings the righteous judgment upon his DAMNED CARCUS! And if I have to become once more a full Golden Dragon so be it………………
Dante has always been one for the dramatic he talks and talks about doing great things but all he ever did was get captured by the Frenchman then by the night mother Kills off 400 of his own dragons which he was supposed to serve. Kill off a lot of his people on that beach and in the GrayHaven civil war and Malakite war. What kind of fools are the Gods for saying he was the savior. He closed the door to the titans only by chance. I would have been able to figure that out eventually that Jonathan was the key to opening the gates to the Red prison. Not to mention Dante is so chaotic he can’t do anything right he is always all over the place all the time he makes no sense most of the time. As luthor is distracted about the battle he receives word from one of his aids” the Empress may she live forever” has said that anyone having Golemns would be considered an enemy to the crystal empire.” Luthor then thought to him self that he could use Golemns in his present day war against the Demons they would be a big relief to his people but if he did he couldn’t let Anastasia the empress, may she live forever, or let his own people, the Dragons, know. Because if they found out that he knew how to create them people would know where they came from…………………………..

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