Saturday, January 31, 2009


Serith finished his debrief from his shift, blood pumping with anticipation. He was going to go and destroy Arvan today.
He had heard mention of Arvan from Raquel in discussing General Galan's exploits. A Paladin who chased clans of Storm Giants and Stone Giants from the low lands across the World's spine. He fell in love with some girl and neglected the kingdom, eventually falling from grace and becoming a Death Knight. Even though Logar had killed him nearly a decade ago he resurfaced. From the reports Galan gave, it was Veritas that brought him back - much more powerful than other Death Knights.

Death Knights were horrible creatures. Every one with a sad and tradgic story. Once great, they all remained only haunting shadows of what they once were. Serith felt pain for his loss but still wanted to rejoice because he provided the perfect oppertunity. A powerful Undead already an enemy to the Isle, this was the best scenerio for Serith to pay his debt to Hades. "Master Silverwing," a pages voice called him from his thoughts. "A group from General Galan is here. They heard you were moving on Arvan and wanted to go with you."

Even beyond the orders, which he felt odd that he was sworn to secrecy about, Abraham had placed something in Arvan's castle for Dante. Abraham had acted as his solemn spiritual guide since bringing him back to life. The Isle needed cleansed of its corruption it was Dante's crusade to redeem it. The corruption ran so deep that the angel Abraham made him take a vow of secrecy. Abraham had a plan for the salvation of the Isle and it was up to Dante's faith to execute it perfectly. This was a step in that direction. When Arvan was destroyed, Dante would find his way to the basement and take the teleport gates. His DragonSworn army would then come to his back, and Jonathan would be defeated. So he waited for Serith with Vadellya and Bella.

Despite the crumbling castle, the rest of the scenary was very beautiful. If Serith could not sense it he would have never guessed a corrupting rotting soul and his minions rested here. He, Bella, Dante, and Vadellya just waited. True seeing had been cast on all of them, so they could watch the skeletal warriors and other ghostly images move towards them.

"ddddDieeeeeee" The sound was carried on the wind as they were surrounded. "ddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee" The wind cut through their bones. Serith spoke up, "We are here to see Arvan. We come from Galan who has been looking for Tatyana."

"yyoouur weapons...llleeeeeave em." Serith nodded and everyone dropped their weapons. Dante still had his breath weapon, so did Serith-and his spells, Vadellya could cast and did not need weapons and Bella was more dangerous with her bare hands than with any weapon. The quick conformity to their demands would only have Arvan fall into a false sense of security.

Walking through a castle filled and stained with death had no impact on Bella. Serith tried to mimic that despite the pungent odor of it assaulting his nostrils. It did not matter because a moment later they stood before the Lord of the Castle.
Serith contemplated for just one second not following through with this. The half dozen Skeletal warriors in the room would be nothing to worry about. What stopped him was his pity. He used words like brother and bride. He considered Galan a brother of the cloth though he had long since become a corruption of that ideal and this Tatyana, his bride, though she had long left him. He guessed that to a Death Knight, it was necessary to hold on to the past--that was all they had.

Serith openned his mouth, not to speak but to attack. Shards of ice flew in a blizzard from his mouth engulfing all in front of him in a torrent of ice and snow.
Dante attacked, too, taking his cue from Serith. Fire erupted to meet the ice. The skeletal warriors were gone -- only frozen ash remained. Frozen ash and Arvan.

He screamed with such rage the mountain and castle shook. Stone cracked and brick crumbled. Blue flame shoot from his entire body to consume the entirety of the room in unholy fury. Bella was wholly consumed with nothing left of her, just a small piece of bone marrow was all that even had her scent. Vadellya still had the burned, scarred remains of a former body but no spirit left in it.

They were gone.
Bella and Vadellya had died because of him. The plan was so simple, he was sure they could have overpowered Arvan. How is he still standing. Regardless of how he was still fighting, his female companions were not. Arvan had slain them; Serith had failed them! They only thing he could do was channel his hatred and anger. He drew as much magical energy into him as he could hold and released it as a dam trying to hold back a river that was too strong the dam might burst. Fire tore through the room and the tower exploded in a rain of fire and light.

Arvan was gone. Serith tried to comfort himself in knowing that Arvanwould have preferred death to the state he had been in. Perhaps in a way Serith had even saved him. Dante was fine, being immune to fire. But.......he was not in the room. He could sense the gold dragon below him. Strange.....
Serith did too, but for the remaining piece of Bella. Somehow, if could find what little remains of her there was left, he thought it would be easier to be at peace. He smelled her and pulled up a small piece of bone. It was not as small as before and his acute Dragon eyes actually saw the marrow exteneding out growing, regenerating at an accelerated rate. Vampires, he thought almost with a smile.

Friday, January 30, 2009

A Paladin's Prayer

Oh Holy Tyre,

I am grateful for the faithfulness of these troops. Details never reached the very bottom just orders. These soliders know to trust orders and follow them.

Thou knows that after Illyena joined use we marched west towards Prythos and Jonathan. It was Jag who had told me that if we hoped to win we had to fight from a defensive position. I did not think we could reach Prythos before Jonathan did. He recommended Arvan's castle. With this army I could destroy my fallen brother and defend in the narrow pass.

I also felt that The Rock, only wanting Dante, would have passed by Pyrthos and left its people safe. I was wrong. He sent his dragons to attack it as he marched his army towards me. I thank thee for the strength given to Greyson and those sent with him to Prythos as they were able to defeat the dragons. Nothing short of a miracle by thine arm would allow such a victory.

Though Jag speaks sound advice at times, I fear his intentions. Something is wrong about him and I pray, Tyre, thou might expose him to me so I may prevent further evil in this world. Please let thy wisdom guide my hand and distinguish from his plots and sound wisdom.

I am grateful for the faith that allows me to know that so long as we pursue justice, thou will reward the victory to us.


Unkept Promises

Illyena detested Airrose. However, he was the best way to the birthright she deserved. He was a clumsy fool who allowed the plot to be revealed to the imposter much too early. That caused him to invade Geneva and kill Genevians just to feed the small force they had been able to gather. That, of course, caused the Genevan army to start chasing them. Hunted by two forces much larger than hers, she felt all hope was lost.

She was accustomed to losing all hope. She had loved Tassadar and he her. There had been a contest for the throne of Enron and Illyena found out she was an heiress of a removed family. She had intended to claim the throne then held by the foreign and invading force- The Rock. Despite her efforts, she felt the kingdom slip through her fingers. It was a small price to pay so she had decided to give it all up and be with the man she loved. After she had given away everything, he told her it was too dangerous. He said it like she could lose anything more than what she had lost.

Since then, all she could do was hate and despise Tassadar and herself. Made even worse by his marriage to Vadellya. It was not until she realized that the hate and anger was still robbing her of her life, that she decided to move on. She decided to go back to what life was before. She even went to the Isle to speak to Tassadar and finally bring closure.

Airrose was attractive, despite all his flaws. Illyenna ignored that as he spoke, "My queen, I have been negotiating with a man named Leinhert. He is an officer to General Galan- the Genevan. They wish to discuss our relationship. I believe he is afraid, scared of the huge force that Jonathan has that my sources tell me are now after him. If this is true, we can let the two armies destroy each other and march on the capitol." Illyena responded, "What I have heard of Galan would suggest he does not feel fear. After what you have done we will not be able to live peacefully until we address the Genevans. We must have a good relationship with them. They have ways of getting what they want." She knew that better than anyone, it was after all a polymorphic version of herself that Geneva had puppeting on the throne currently.

"Then we go as allies. Even if not spurred by fear he can not be a fool. Our crimes will be forgiven and we'll have Geneva's backing in exchange for augmenting his forces against the Rock."

"Perhaps you're right. Though, you just sacked Marathon and deprived it of anything of value. Paladins frown on outright looting and robbery. Let's hope they honor a meeting under truce. Let's go. I'm eager to meet this Galan."


Galan was pacing back and forth in his tent. Illyena and Prince Airrose were on his way to meet with him and he still was not sure what he was going to do. However, he could not indicate that in the slightest. He also had the problem of Pinch's latest intel report, Jonathan and his army was marching not directly towards him, but along the south edge of the lake and towards Prythos. Prythos was very defensible, built on canals and larger cantons most of the city was built on or in the lake. Galan wanted to send troops to help secure it but with the rebel question unanswered he was not sure how many men he needed here and now.

"General, Prince Airose and and Queen Illyena are here as requested." Lucian's voice took Galan from his thoughts. Time for here and now. Turning to face the entrance he made sure his sword was easily seen hanging on his chair and placed his hands on his hips. "Let them in."

Lucian opened the tent and in came a large Dire wolf hackles up. Ears darted and perked at every whisper, and nose inhaled sharply and rapidly. Chest puffed and tail high, the wolf approached Galan. Galan calmly lowered his right palm for the wolf to smell and even removed some jerky ration and tried to give it to him. The wolf lost interest without eating, moved to the entrance and let out one short whelp.

The two rebel leaders entered his tent and the large wolf moved to the side and laid down still staring at Galan. "Welcome queen and prince. Please sit. Anything to drink?"

"I'll have tea." Illyena responded. Galan took note of a cat like left eye that did not match her right and said, "Of course." Lucian filled tea cups and excused himself. Illyena sipped her cup but Airrose would not even sit. Instead he spoke, "We are obviously here because you know you will be overwhelmed by Jonathan without our help."

Galan raised an eyebrow, "I have invited you here to negotiate the end of hostilities, and determine your ultimate goal."

Illyena spoke up, "The goal is to reclaim the throne that your imposter is holding in my place."

Galan said, "And you, prince?"

He scoffed, "Not that complicated, there are many noble houses in Enron. Mine was robbed of a rightful seat on the Enron throne. Our best chance for the royalty we deserve is each other."

Galan nodded, "I would be lying if I did not admit to the idea of joining forces to push back Jonathan. However, my orders are this: Protect Genevan citizens and interests from all threats. I don't know if my superiors just trust my judgement to best handle the situation or simply don't care what happens to you, but your fate is left up to me."

"An alliance then." Airrose burst in.

"My countrymen are dead. Dead by your hand prince. Someone had to answer for that. Wouldn't you agree, My Queen."

Illyena responded, "It is regrettable that your countrymen suffered. It was never my intent that anyone outside of Enron be effected. Prince Airrose tells me that the conspiracy was discovered and he was forced to flee without proper supplies."

Prince Airrose nearly hostile said, "An army has to be fed."

"I don't know how that is my problem." Galan responded. "I know that my contacts are ready to place the Queen on her throne when I give the word. However, someone has to pay for the crimes."

Catching what Galan was implying Airrose turned to Illyena, "The night elves follow me. Our fates are connected and bound we need each other and you will not divide us. " to which Illyena responded, "You're right, if we go back to the night elves they will follow you." Her eye quickly examines the room.

What happened next was so fast that even Galan almost missed it. Prince Airrose knew he was done and went for a blade under his glove. Illyenna was already whistling, an action the wolf took as command to attack. Galan braced but the wolf attacked Airrose instead. Lucian and others flooded the tent and in moments it was over, Galan's sword still on his chair and Illyena still sipping her tea. Keeping the pace Galan ordered, "Take the prince to Duane. He'll handle him while we finish. He's to be taken to Atlanta and placed on trial for war crimes."

As everyone cleared out of the tent Illyena spoke with cold calculation, "I'll tell the Night Elves that a patrol of the Rock's men jumped us and the Prince was lost. We'll hold our position and join forces with your army when you reach us. While we are on Genevan soil the command will be yours. We'll help defend you against the Rock; in exchange, you put me on the throne. Sounds like a plan worthy of a Genevan."

Galan nodded, "Agreed."

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Authors comments

I appreciate everyone who follows and reads the Adventures of our brave heroes as they try to bring light over darkness. At least some of them do. lol. The stories stem from a table top game and bring a lot of back story and detail. The backstory and detail is what makes the story so compelling and I try very hard to include that in the story.

If any of the readers are lost or confused about a piece of the story: first understand that part of that is on purpose the characters deal with a lot of unknowns and many many many things happen in the shadows. However, if you are lost or would like more in depth explanation post your question in a comment and i will respond or maybe even post on it and get it cleared it up.

Also even if you are keeping up feel free to put your theories on whats going on where you think the story should go.. anything.

And I know the spelling needs to improve. :)



Ifff Yooou SMEEELLLLLELELL what the ROCK is Cooking

Dante waited outside General Galan's tent. Lucian was firm that it could wait till sunrise, stating the General had asked not to be disturbed. Dante decided he would wait and help guard the General; Lucian needed his sleep too. Captain Dante watched the walking patrol move past and started kicking some rocks on the ground.

Lightning fell from the sky drilling Dante directly to the ground. Sound was muffled with the thunder. Everything was blurred.

He sat up shaking his head with only a dull buzz filling it.

The lightning hit him again but with no effect. His magic resistance saved him. Vision started to come back and He called out, "UNDER ATTACK!!"

Hit again, he could barely feel the ground as it raced to and collided with his chest.

... Blackness. ...

NO. He forced his eyes to open but it was just a blur. Something jumped over him and there was an explosion. His face was hit with something he realized must be the ground. His arms were shaking too hard to support his weight. He rolled over onto his back....blackness.....

FOR THE LIGHT. He held on, forcing his eyes open and mustering all his will to stay awake. Something touched his arm and he jerked away violently. It was Lucian, he realized, and a priest. He was distracted from that by the large Blue Dragon he could sense flying above him.

Dante sprung up, now more to his senses. The healing from both Lucian and the Priest helped. The Dragon landed, keeping at bay a large troop of soliders moving to engage. Everyone had cleared from the front of the command tent and Jonathan and Galan stood eye to eye. Even in his small clothes Galan stood a commanding presense -- the picture of calm and demanding respect. The Rock did not give it.

The first words he could make out were Galan's. "We both know the other one, do we not? I know you think you are right. But we can't know. The prophecy says 'decieve the very elect.' Who could be more elect than the Rock?"

"Unless I am wrong, and I am never wrong, Dante will destroy us all. Stand aside."

"I am tired of your arrogance and your issuing of orders. My men have died here today because you refuse to listen to reason. If you want Dante, you go through me. And you will not stand," the general said with confidence.

"Look at you stand there like you're somebody, like you're a big shot, like you're the Rock in your underwear like a fool. The men that you lose are Dante's fault. If he would but face me and let me finish the conflict no one else would have to suffer. Nothing matters more to the Rock than this. The Rock will bring his grace and deliverance to all that he encounters. Once Genevan citizens, now the Rock's citizens. The People's champion will then lay the smack down on every jabroni who wants to stand between him and the Deceiver. The Rock has spoken."

Then he was gone. Galan called out, "Get me reports. We still march in an hour. Where's PINCH?"

Dante knew he had to do something to stop this crazy man. Zeus's angel had bestowed the marks upon him. But perhaps Dante himself had been decieved. He himself was not convinced who was the savior and who the destroyer.

The Crownless

Galan sat down on his bunk finally able to rest for the night. His bones ached and his chest hurt. He was not sure if it was the codex or old age or both that hurt so bad. He knew one thing for certain, it was a blessing straight from Olympus to have competent capable committed men around him now. Men that were determined to do the right and that he could trust. Mountains of weight had been lifted from his shoulders now that he had other paladins to talk to and stradegize with.

"Good evening...General." The weight returned in even a small measure as he heard Jag's voice. "You have an army now. Not doing to bad for yourself."

"Yes Jag. I am both excited for the companionship and force that can do good and devastated at the need for it and the reality that men will soon die."

"Don't get all guilt-trip-regretty before anything even happens. Drink?" Jag opened the bottle of wine left with the dinner Lucian brought in for Galan and poured a small glass.

"No, thanks. I'm not up to it."

"You not up for something?" He shrugged, "I thought you could face anything? Like the Rock. I tried to warn you about him. I said, 'he's after you. be careful' and what did you say? If I was worried about my safety I'd get a new job, blah blah blah. How about we start trusting the intelligence agent assigned to help you."

"You advise, I make the decisions. What are you here for?"

"Congratulations. And to confirm for the council what your next move is."

"I already sent Greyson adnd Dante to head the evacuation of Marathon. We can't reach the rebels before they get to Marathaon and they'll sack it for food and supplies. Hopefully we'llslow them down enough that we can catch them."

"And when you catch them?"

"I haven't decided yet. We could use the manpower against Jonathan. But they are villans, killing Genevan citizens when they encounter them. This Prince Airrose is evil and can not be tolerated. Pinch tells me they are hoping to meet up with Illyena soon."

"Two days."

"That is what he said. Which greatly complicates things because Pinch says the Den has placed an imposter on the throne. He also said they'd ensure a peaceful transfer of power if I decide to ally with the Rebels and can defeat and kill Jonathan. Though the Den prefers status quo, so long as the threat to Dante can be neutralized. There is just no way to do it all. Kill the rock and leave him alive."

"Let me propose something. You ally with the Rebels, kill Airrose and befriend Illyenna. Have Captain Dante call in his Dragon Sworn army and kill Jonathan. We'll have the crownless Queen on her throne quickly and she will rule GreyHavens and Enron, indebted to you. Possibly married to you. That's the exact scenerio the council is afraid of. Atrayu especially, he thinks you can't be trusted. They know if you do that they could never stop you and great kingdoms would be yours. I, for one, would back you."

"Watch your tounge -- you speak treason."

"Treason? I'm just telling you what the Council is discussing. It's the only real victory. You wouldn't have to declare independence -- you'd be the defacto King, they could do nothing to stop you."


"Just keep an eye on Morgan. You leave too many enemies around. Veritas, Arvan, Tatyana, The Rock. You engage and never destroy you can only fight a tide so long. You have to thin the ranks of your enemies, general. That's not an order, just common sense. Though the Tatyana thing is complicated by a cute little vampire you have sharing your tent. "

"Bella only stays in here because she's afraid the Volturum will find her."

"Of course." He finished his drink and said, "You are yourself a King, you only lack the crown."

He disappeared as Bella came in to retire for the evening.


Dante was told by Lt. Marcus that a James was here to see him. Dante had swords in hand and ordered him brought to him. James kneelt before him. "My Lord, the scrolls you requested." Dante was surprised and it showed on his face. He had asked James to get a means to communicate across distance. James had attacked him and was in jail now. That is what started this whole war. He tuned his senses to detect lie.

"Are you James?"

"Yes my lord." He meekly answered.

"How did you escape?"

"I escaped nowhere lord, I returned from the errand you sent me on."

"You are the real James?"

"Yes, my lord. Are you in danger?"

"Not anymore." Dante realized the other must be a decoy. Magic can do anything it would seem. Though the false James' words echoed in his ears, you are the destroyer if you love humanity you will end your own life- you have to end it, you are the deceiver. "Is the Legion still ready?"
"When you command."

"Ready them."

An Army for a General

Galan woke up in the City of Mythos. Large and well fortified the city was one of the largest in Geneva. Much better than the walls, was the army. He had been kidnapped by Jonathan and came back now in charge of fighting the war against the conceited elf. The council had rearranged all the remaining forces Geneva had to allocate the largest force possible. If it were not for the Dwarven mass influx into the army, no reinforcements would have been possible. Still outnumbered nearly two to one but that was better odds than Galan vs 10,000.

He had reviewed the report and met with the senior officers. He now had at his command-

Gerald Level 16 Human Male Fighter 30 Rank LT Colonel +4 Long sword (Grand Master)Kendal Level 19 Human Male Paladin Age 28 Rank Colonel +5 War Hammer +5 mace(Grand Master) Amulet of Meter storm
Rupert Level 10 Human Fighter Male Age 32 Rank Captain +3 2 handed War Hammer of smashing (Grand Master)
Ellen Level 10 Elven Female fighter Age 320 Rank Captain Dual +3 short swords and +3 Short bow (Grand Master)
Duane Level 15 Human Fighter age 55 Rank Major +5 Flail of whirlwind (Grand Master)Thomas Level 11 Human Fighter age 18 Rank Captain +3 Mace (Grand Master) Amulet of Firestorm
Regnier Level 18 Human Paladin Rank Colonel +5 Holy sword +5 Shield gauntlets of flame strike.
Morene Strident Level 11 Human Mage age 24 Rank Captain Vampiric claw. Cloak of flying
Leinhart Level 16 Elven rouge age 540 Rank Lt Colonel +4 Rapier of vampiric touch. Coat of feather fall, ring of improved invisibility. Amulet of lightning storm
Urkubarr Level 16 level Dwarven Fighter age 500 Rank LT Colonel Green Dragon Armor. +5 Battle ax (Grand Master) Girdle of Storm Giant strength
Marcus- Level 6 Human Pysonist Age 28 Rank 2nd LT Spiked Gloves. Intelligent Short sword.
Sebastin  Level 9 Elven Fighter Age 210 Rank 1st Lt +2 Two Handed sword. (High Master) Stone Skin Armor.
Faustus Level 12 Eleven Ranger female 340 Rank Captain Long Bow Bastard swords +3 (Grand Master)
Light Human Infantry 1500 total. Level 1-3Light chain mail or a leather armorLong sword and Javelin. No magical weapons or pluses.
Medium Dwarven Infantry 1000 total Level 3-4Battle Ax, plate male with helm and round shield
Human Heavy Infantry 300 Total Level 5-7Long Sword (+1) Full plate armor w/ helm and shield
Elven Longbow men1000 total Level 2-5Long bow 100 arrow. Light chain armor
Paladins200 total Level 1-2 Full Plate, Long sword, Long Bow, Martial arts
Light Calvary
500 Total level 2-3Leather armor. Short bows, long swords
Heavy Calvary
100 Total Level 3-6Full Plate, Lances. Cross bows, Long swords
Elven Ranger Scouts 
300 Total level 5-7 Studded leather armor, Long sword, Long bow
StaffClerks Laundry etc 0 level 100 total
Total 5000 troops

Now this great army stood ready to be commanded. Colonel Kendal and Reigner actually stood before him. Kendal spoke with the face plate of his helm lifted. "It is an honor to serve with the Savior of Osiris, General. But it is at grave times. We face two armies. The Night Elf rebels approaching Marathon and Jonathan's army who has stated his intention to pull the Isle from the sky. We stand between the Darkness and the Light. We stand to fight the fights that need fighting. Command US."

Galan straightenned his shoulders, "The rebels are the ones killing innocent citizens. The Rock only wants Dante. He'll come to us. At Dawn, we march East."

The voice of a shepherd

Toshiro was tired of studying hard. His father wanted him to stay at this school and learn the ways of the mind. His father wanted a lot of things from him. Ever since he hatched, his father was pushing him to be great. It used to really grate on him. Afterall, he had a whole kingdom and a life of idle luxury awaiting him until Father appeared. Then one day, Toshiro did not seem to mind it so much anymore. In fact, he almost wanted to be great.
His thoughts had been on his father all day, despite the professers best attempts to teach him. An old beggar man made his way to the school today and left a letter for Toshiro to give to his father. He was so lost in thought that he barely noticed another student come and whisper to his teacher. "Toshiro, your father is here."
Serith ran the letter through his hands. It was good to see his son, and better to see him well. From what the professer reported, his studies were going well despite his being prone to distraction. He pushed the fond memories aside to face the cold truth and read the letter again:
Old Friend,
It is for our friendship I send you this. You have angered the Great Lord Hades. Make amends to Him shortly. Not only do I know where to find you I have found your son. You know more than most what I am capable of.
An Old Friend
Serith crushed the letter in his hand then stopped. The letter still may have evidence -- it was best he defiled it as little as possible. Raziel. It has to be him, he thought. Raziel is the only person with a real personal connection to Serith that he knew was involved in the cult of Hades. It was also less than a week since Serith found Raziel's dead vampire body. Raziel had died a faithful priest to Hades. Hades was a god who considered undead a mockery of his power. It seems that it may all be connected.
He considered travelling to Midgar. It had the only temple to Hades he knew of in the world. Upon reflection, he thought, if Hades is out to destroy me, the worst place to go would be his greatest strong hold. I'll send someone.
Three days had passed since the priest had taken the errand for Serith. He turned away from the mirror and counted his polymorphed elven fingers. He folded his arms trying to do something -anything- than stare through that mirror. He had developed the habit of systematically rotating between scrying in on his son and scrying on the priest who volunteered to go to Midgar. Getting all the way through a shift of guarding Raquel was impossible. Nearlyevery hour on the hour he would find a way to scry and confirm they were both alive.
He exhaled sharply and realized that he had better look again. What he saw instantly justified all of his obsessive behaviors. The priest was hung suspended by his arms on the temple to the underworld. His blood painted on the wall...Take the courage to speak to me yourself.
Serith teleported to the gates of the Hades temple shortly after he pulled Toshiro from the academy and made sure he was safe in the fortress. He had already burned everything he had that could be used to clone either himself of Raziel. He had after all made a covenant, he did not want to but the circumstances of their great secrect prevented him from ever escaping death again. He thought he had found a way around it. Cloning was not technically prolonging his life it was a seperate individual exactly like the original. Though the Serith would be dead and destroyed, a copy of him could live on and in some way. That meant he still lived. It really did not make any sense, but everyone wanted to live forever -- he simply had to find a way.
"I am Serith Silverwing, here to speak to the proxy of Hades." Serith pronounced with even calm.
"He's expecting you. Follow me," a young acolyte responded and led him into the temple.
Death comes to us all. Race, Creed, Sect, Nation, Bond, Free, King, Slave, good, evil -- they all died. Many fought it but eventually Raven's Lord recieved them all to his great kindgom. Even those who do not stay forever, must pass through the gate of the all receiver. This Serith was one who not only escaped death himself many times, crossed the gate and returned, but he demanded in bringing other from his Lord's grasp. This treachery was climatic when he mocked the redeemed Betrayer of Hope, as an Undead unholy monster. This mocked his holypenance and all Raven considered sacred. Now he was coming to speak with him face to face. I should kill him.
The reward of death was not to be given him today. His fate was in the hands of the former betrayer of Hope -- the current Shepherd of the Damned.
He turned slowly from the burning altar and stared into the black statues which shadowed the acolytes of the underworld. "Speak." He said with ice in his words.
"My Lord, I have realized my crime. I have destroyed all that would be used to clone and apologize for the offense. I was only seeking to save a friend." Serith spoke. A piece of Raven's heart could tell this man was only stupid, not evil.
"Your friend is already saved." Came the ice-covered response.
"I want this business to be done."
"Business with Hades is never finished. Everyone's path ends here."
"Yes, as it should. I would give 500 years of my life as a tribute and plea for forgiveness."
Raven could pronounce him forgiven as the proxy but his Lord would take the cost somewhere else-- his flesh. Though, Serith was powerful and so were many of the Undead which mocked the Great Lord of the Dead. "I trust no promise from you. Know the Shepherd stands a hairs' breath from removing your life and taking you to the ferryman this hour...and every hour. Your tribute is insufficent."
"What must I do?"
Exactly where I want him. "There are others like the abomination that you created. Those who have died but refuse their place in the underworld. Tribute your 500 years and one of these undead that only you could destroy."
Serith seemed shocked but continued, "It shall be done."

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bring em back

Bella saw the future. It wasn't always perfect or vivid visions. Often just impressions, and sometimes they seemed wrong. She saw the possibilities of the future, possibilities that existed on the back of choices currently made. When choices were made that changed the direction of the future her visions would change or sometimes not and leave her confused. She never knew what visions to trust. She was trying to puzzle out the most recent one. Jonthan was talking to a silver woman. She seemed to be forged out of some type of shiny medal. There were no words just images.

Alarms rang in the camp. Then an explosion. Greyson, Lucian, Morgan and Bella gathered together. Greyson closed his eyes and must have been doing some sensation or whatever he called it. He openned his eyes, "Rhino mounted cavalry hit the south gate. The camp is under attack. Morgan, any luck scrying on Galan?"

"NO the bloody holy man is completely vanished," Morgan snapped back. She had been trying almost constantly since he did not come back from his meeting with the Rock. They all started to believe he had been kidnapped.

Bella spoke up, "Get us out of here, if Galan isn't here we shouldn't be here. We have to find him."

They teleported and stood on the ramp of the Isle. A moment later, Pinch stood before them the smell of moonsugar barely detectable to any but Bella's keen sense. "I have a lead on Galan." He handed a pill to Morgan, "this will give you the visual impression of where he's held. We got the tip from a contact we have in the Enron government. Jonthan kidnapped him and is holding him just south of the border." Lucian rased his mace, "The trechary and evil. We must strike."

Bella added, "We need to find Vadellya and Dante. We have to succeed."


Everyone was waiting for the order. Lucian breathed in and white knuckled his holy mace. Centaurs, 2 elves, some statues. Greyson had reported from contacting the minds of one of Galan's captures. He was alive but out cold. "Mages stay back. Dante, Greyson and I will charge into the camp." Swinging his mace, "CHARGE!!!"

Dante Greyson and Lucian were all plowed down by charging cavalry. Morgan's quick thinking put a web up ensaring them. But it was at that moment that Vadellya saw stone statues walking out of the camp. He hands trembled. Golemns.

She, and every mage in the civilized world had been taught the evils that golemns were. And to never pursue it. Even evil mages shunned the study of Golemns. Anyone with any education new the stroies of the projected future, one rules by intelligent golemns that had eliminated all organic life in their pursuit for perfection. Whatever was behind this grand plot was a darkness beyond evil. She casted quickly. Bottle necking through the gates of the camp like they were kept them all in her range. Solid stone became liquid mud and slid off of the thing silver frames the monsters were originally built on.
Greyson left the others to battle and stopped existing where he was then manifested his life force just outside the camp. The camp, now empty as the forces were otherwise engaged in combat, gave him easy access to the small hut Galan was in. He was alive, barely breathing but skin cold. Suffering the effects of some type of poison, he was unresponsive to physical stimulation. Unable to teleport out of the camp he threw Galan over his shoulder and made a dash for the border.
Bella saw him slung over Greyson's shoulder and smiled. She pulled a crossbow bold from her back and stepped over the Centaur she had just broke the neck of. He is safe. Before she even knew what was happening, they were all resting in a city called Mythos. Soliders were being teleported in from all reaches of Geneva to serve General Galan. NO more nobel leader could they have.

Geneva is going to War

Drakus looked around still trying to take everything in. He now sat on the same council he served. He sits in Tassadar's old chair. He trembled slightly but instead of letting it show strokes his beard. There was serious business to address. Jonathan 'The Rock' Greyfoot had just left. Still hanging in the air, was his threat to pull the very isle from the sky and drown it beneath the ocean it thats what it takes to get to Dante. Everyone in the room believed he would try.

Raquel spoke. Though the council had no offical leader, all were equal with equal voice, it was obvious to Drackus who ran the show. "We have a decleration of War from Jonathan. Threats from him on Genevan citizens, a nonnegotiable stance against a military offical and he refuses to go through proper channels. Intel suggestions he may have kidnapped one of our Generals. We have no army with in 2 weeks hard march. and that army is much smaller than the force he now leads. He could penetrate as far as Trade City before we could even stop him. He has recently appealed to ahve the Grey Havens and Enron join Geneva and he himself on the council. That seems to be lost to us now." Waiting for the summary to sink in and put things in perspective he looked around the room. His eyes fell on Drackus, Atrayu and then Filtch.

Drakus knew the Fox was real and not just some legend but he was not sure he was actually on the council till just now. He managed intel and fought crime from the underside. Drakus was very surprised that two Paladins would deal with such a man of reputation such as Filtch's. However, the way the admired him and respected his views would indicate that perhaps the reputation and corruption was part of some elaborate ruse. Or was it so true, that he was spinning even the greatest leaders in the world?

Atrayu Filtch and Drackus all threw in comments about what should be done and could be done. Talking over eachother and arguing differnt points. Raquel spoke up and silence reentred the hall, "We have two questions. Tackle them one at a time. First, do we declare war on Jonathan? If so what is the appropriate level of force and how do we muster it? We've got the evidence before us. Go to vote, do we go to war with Jonathan?"

When Raquel looked to him Darkus said, "Yes, it is time this Jonathan was taught a lesson. We can not surrender to him what he would take."

Atrayu speaks up, "Jonthan and his quest for Dante does not threaten the seals. Spending resources will only jeapordise their safety. I vote No."

Filtch spoke with a disarming smile boots up on the council table. "Dante is suppose to safe the Isle, hard to do that is Jonny boy's killed him. I can't just make this go away behind the scenes but we can insulate the costs. Lets end this. I vote yes."

Raquel will say, "I agree, we can not be dictated to. We fight the fights that need fighting. Then its offical we are at war. The next question is, how do we fight it?"

Drakus spoke up, "Filtch couldn't you know..take care of it?"

Filtch laughed, "Check the new guy. Trying to suggest assassinations. I want Jonathan to live, if he died outside of a controlled scenerio we would love a great amount of influence in the Grey Havens. Jonthan is arrogant predictable and controllable. If he dies We maybe able to have Illyenna extend her control but just as likely see civil unrest and collapse of social order. Though we don't have an army close. Looks like Filtch will have to bail you all out again. I can have the Seanchan strike forces hit Jonthan's army and slow them down."

Raquel said, "Maybe that would be the best. Drakus, I had hoped to delay this day but it would appear we need the strength of your people now. Our armies are exhausted. We could send troops to Galan but it would leave all other fronts empty."

Drakus spoke with pride of his Warrior Dwarven brothern, "We joined Geneva so we could forward the cause of the light. Our lives are for you to command."

Raquel brushed a strand of blonde from his face and said, "Then may the light win the day."

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Council of Geneva

The council was formed to jointly rule and bring peace light and truth. The Empire had just collapsed. The islands were uncivilized and uncultivated groups of random peoples and cultures.

Mordin was apprentice to the Arch Mage Andrea. Wise even in his youth, Mordin was the one with the vision of what the islands could be. It was he who brought the aid of the Crystal Empire when needed and he who convinced them to release their hold and make Geneva a soveirgn nation. He led the council in wisdom and temperance. He Established the foremost mage school on this side of the world. Forsaking his Elven body for that of a Dragon and now forsaking all mortal shells he is the Demi God of time, charged by Chronos with the task to keep the timestream clean and unaltered.

Logar Mogath was a Paladin and the real heart of the Council in the begining. Rider of the Wind they called my boy. Orphan by way of the war that had ravaged the Empire his only family was his pegasus mount -- Cloud. He acted as their conscience and moral direction. Ever zealous and never comprimising he demanded all evil he encountered be destroyed, and was largely successful. It was his quest for perfection that wished the Isle into existence, a place where no evil could dwell. It was to be a starting point from which light and truth could fill all the earth and multiverse. He carried the mantle as Keeper of the Seals and left mortality fulfilling that role. His nemisis Malekite had became the demi-god of Death and was after the seals. Logar asscended under Paladine and has become the god of righteous judgement dealing to the wicked their punishment.

While others became gods, Jericho started as one. Well half anyway. Champion of the Gods and Devender of the Earth. Son of Demeter and fathered by the Forest he was born with great power and an even greater destiny. The divine blood ran through him making his power and strength legendary. He was destined to receive the divine mandate of the Seventh seal and fight the Dark One blow for blow during the Raptur. His connection to nature and balance was a voice of reason and common sense. He founded the Rangers of the West, a group that to this day is known as the best rangers in the world. Retirement well earned he stays in seclusion with only his wife, the moon child, for company.
With Logar, Jericho, Moridin, and Tassadar all gone I invited another to sit on council. Drackus Truehammer, the bear of Truehammer. He had served Geneva well despite being from the warring Dwarven clans. Corrupted by the saved from a wretched curse he grew to over 7 feet tall and weilds the strength greater than most giants. He guarded the young Tassadar through his short stay as keeper, then left and united the Dwarves. He saved his people from slavers and submitted an appeal to join Geneva. He was now much more than an ally he was one of us.

Tassadar Mogath, Bringer of Hope, was only 16 when he took the mantle of Keeper of the Seals and his Rightful seat on the council. It was as if all Logar's holyness and faith became manifest in one human being. It was tragic that his brother did not even get the beggar share. He united the fractured human empire into a single unit again to combat Maursk in the Trevor war. Always innocent and naive, he did more to remind us what we were fighting for than anyone else ever could. The Dark One targetted him and bound with his soul. The only way to stop the Dark One was to kill Tassadar and erase his soul. I could only imagine Logar's pain as he executed judgement.

I was a late comer. Raquel Al-Shatel, Vanquiser of Shadow and Hunter of the Horsemen--among other titles. The worship of Hajama was the only thing that filled my life. It was by his divine mandate that I sought out the newly formed Isle of the Winds and trained the newly annointed Keeper of the Seals. He was to become my son. I had never had a real family for long, not since my father was murdered by bandits and I was framed. Everytime I would try to love the Drow would show and slaughter all I held dear. I realized that love and happiness was only something we could inspire and provide for others, never for ourselves. I watched as Logar painfully learned those lessons and I have seen his sacrifice and that of those like him fill the world with hope. Fill the world with Light.

Atryu stood as the current Keeper of the Seals. One of the few remaining Zionists, he lived for the honor. His people were created by Zues for the single purpose ot protect the seals and they failed. My Son Thorn decieved them and stole the Seals. Cursed by the Gods they sought redemption and forgiveness which Tassadar, as Keeper of the Seals, gave them. No other Keeper would have. He was zealous and single in his mission. The ruling of Geneva and its place in the world do not matter. Only the Seals matter. Now that he has the Spear of Destiny which grants is holder invinsibility, the Seals are safer than they have ever been.

Over the years and decades, we have ruled Geneva and seen it grow. From a couple of islands and a dream, it grew to all the islands, the old land of the Human Empire, and the Dwarven Clan lands. Talyun and Enron have also submitted requests to join the country. We had fought the Dark One and petty crime all at once and had won battle after battle. Light truly was spreading over the world. The world was being led by these men and the direction it would continue to take depended almost entirely on the decisions we made. Now we met to discuss the declaration war on a once strong ally. May the Light save and Guide us.

There is another on the council. There always has been from the very begining. We do not speak of him nor is he spoken of. Though despite my desire for it to be otherwise, the Isle would have fallen long ago and many times were it not for him. Mordin and Jericho always trusted him with out question. I trust him in hopes that he does not back stab us all. I wish we did not all owe him so much.

The Rock says

Dante headed off to question James again. Vadellya was headed to speak to Raquel. Jonathan was not going to stop till he got Dante, she realized that. Raquel needed to be told-war was unavoidable.

She walked briskly through the hall toward the main audience chamber. The soliders said Raquel was in a council meeting so she headed to the council chamber.

She only briefly thought of Tassadar and when he ruled in this palace.

The doors flew open as she approached and the Rock was headed out of the council chamber. He barely noticed that she existed and turned back to Raquel standing in the door way. "So is that it? You want to stand like your someone, like your a big shot, like your the Rock, when obviously your not. You want to tell the Rock what he can and can't do. So is the law of the isle to rule the whole of the world?"

Raquel responded calmly and with almost majesty, "There are laws that enslave mankind and laws that set them free."

"The Rock was going to be first in your little council. The ROck was going to bless you with his wisdom and presence. Don't make an enemy of the Rock. You are fighting for the wrong side. I mean no harm to your Isle."

"Either what we hold to be right and good and true -- is right and good and true for all mankind under the Light. Or we're just another fallen nation. We are not."

"The Rock says this, Know your ROLE AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH, Your fancy words are talking you out of peace and into war. Dante will be mine even if the Rock has to pull the Isle from the sky and conquer all of Geneva."

"Sometimes there is a peace that can only be found at the other side of war. And if that war must come I will fight it."

THe servants and guards all echoed, "ANd I. And I and I." Until the entire mass of people that had gathered stood ready to oppose the Rock. The Rock raised an eybrow quizicly, "Let the Rock tell you something. To the council standing there like their somebody, to the servant over there who should be sweeping something, to the guard over there that spends to much time playing with his sword. TO this chick over hear staring at the Rock dreaming of long night -- The rock doesn't give two pieces of monkey crap about you or your Isle. The Great Isle and its dream. No dream lasts forever." He goes to step away and spots Vadellya, "How are you? Look a little shaken up. I imagine your stomaches a little restless with butterflies, chills going up your spine, acceleration in your chest. Its common standing in the presence of the ROck does that to woman. Let me tell you what you can do, write this down because its important, go to that shrine of your lover boy there and get it all cleaned up. Make sure there are no weeds growing anywhere, water all the plants get the flowers in perfect bloom. You got silver polish?" Waiting for her response which she does not give, "Take that and polish up the shrine to a high shine. Get that think sparkly. Take all of that and turn it sideways and shove it up ..."

"ROCK!" Raquel burst in, "I suggest you stop this while its political before you make it personal."

The Rock raised and eyebrow and then casted what Vadellya recognized as teleport.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Greyson waited patiently. Patients and submission to the force was nearly always the best choice. He had been healed on the Isle, then the Isle aranged to have his life force restored by the grace of their gods. Greyson was hesitant to accept the help from the 'gods'. While they were powerful manifestations of the force they were simply manifestations all was part of the all including the gods. Master Windstar had ordered him to accept the help and informed him that the orders of the Empress, may she live forever, was to forget and ignore the vampire encounter. Though it was his orders to forget, he would be ever mindful of the force around him, the Volturium were coming for him, and Bella was not to be trusted either, now he realized that she was not a prisoner but a part of them.

Vadellya and the Vampire came to the gate with Dante. "We are suppose to take you to General Galan." Captain Dante said with polished military discipline. Just within the wooden pallisade of the camp 6 men in cloaks and a grey sash approach rapidly. "Dante come with us."

Greyson barely heard Dante whisper something to Vadellya and they were both gone. The silence was tangiable and horribly ackward. "Hi, I'm Greyson." Greyson blurted out doing his best to disarm the tension. The elven soliders seemed to soften their expressions. "Dante is an enemy of the state. Any found aiding him will be treated as the same. When he comes back you find one of the Rock's men and inform us." The silence drug on and the tension pinned them in place as the guards returned to their posts.

Breaking the tension but bringing it to a whole new level the Vampire openned her mouth, "I'm sorry." Silence. "I told everyone what I was. We all agreed not to talk about it anymore but..." silence. "I was harsh to you. Unjustly so. I realize now you were trying to save me. I also realized, even more painful to think about, that I needed saving. They aren't good people. Galan and the rest here are. " silence. "I'm sorry I told you to die."

Silence. Bella seemed like a little girl innocent and even nervous. He smiled, "Thanks for talking to me. Welcome to the good guys."

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Mandates from above

"I have to speak to Lord Raquel." Dante nearly screamed at the palace guard. "I understand, a lot of people need to speak with him." The guard replied with a touch too much smugness.

"I have an urgent message from General Galan regarding war with Enron."

An hour later, he was being led into an audience chamber. Raquel handed some piece of parchment to a clerk and looked up. "You have 3 minutes Captain." Dante found himself grateful for the small moment he had with the legend.

"Jonathan, leader of Enron, has demanded that I turn myself over to him. He has told General Galan to hand me over adn General Galan requested your council."

"The message I received was that there was war with Enron. I see thats not exactly the case but points to you it got you in to see me. The rock can be informed that if he has a grievance witha member of the Genevan military then there are multiple legal chanels that he can and should engage in. The council will be happy to review any greivance from him and make sure it receives urgent attention. Any steps outside of the legal process or attempt to apprehend you by force will be considered by Geneva as an act of war. Is that what you need?"

"Yes my Lord. I'll tell him that an attack will mean war."

"Just tell General Galan exactly what I said. Don't fill in any words."

"Yes my Lord."

The Army marched on. An army in motion was always a combination of choas, beatiful efficency, raw power, and boredom. Galan was impressed at how well the Enron army moved. The men in grey specially designated as Jonathan's men made a strong fist in the middle of the army the rest was made up of an assortment of elves who all marched with Swords drawn.

Commander Greenwood said it helped them understand the urgency of their mission. Galan just thought it would wear the men out. It indicated a strong discipline but a waste of resources. Though who was he to question the commands of another general when he himself had no army to command.

The day wore on. They moved at a quick pace for an army. Large groups of soliders always moved slowly. One tired slow solider could drag back his unit that could drag back the detachment and the whole army. The sad truth in an army like this is that someone was always tired. Sergents had the mandate from their commanders to keep everyone in step and on pace in an effort to minimize the drag.

As the sun was setting the pace callers started calling out halt. Orders trickled down to set up camp and Galan dismounted. "AYE General" The dramatic committed tone could only be Dante. Turning around, he returned Dante's salute and motioned for him to speak.

Dante reported, "Lord Raquel said that if Jonathan had a problem with me he should take it up thorugh legal chanels any attempts to take me by force would result in war with Geneva."

Galan nodded, "I'll deal with Jonathan. Stay close for now, we'll decide what to do based on his reaction." Galan felt he could smooth things enough to buy time. He had hoped for a long time to earn the Rock's favor, even speaking directly to his ego, all in an attempt to be able to calm a situation like this. However, a piece of him new it would not be possible.


The Rock had listenned to the commanders give their reports. They reported to him like the Rock could give two pieces of monkey crap about this campaign or some roody poo nobody rebels. The Rock realized they were still talking, "STOP JUST STOP." Giving a moment for silence to set in, the Rock raised an eyebrow and continued, "We've got to get these rebels, we have to get these rebels. blah blah blah. Listen to the Rock. You know, the guy cleaning the rug knows, the guard standing over there knows the ROCK is here for one." his herald chimed in, "AND THE ROCK MEANS ONE." The ROck continued, "One reason. The Genevan's have a captain. A little nobody who thinks he's someone because he has some cheap tatooes on his arms is going to be made famous by the ROCK. You get me that General!"

"MY LORD." A herald said, "General Galan is here to speak with you."

"The Rock says let him in."

General Galan walks in with broad shoulders and a look like he thinks hes somebody. "My Lord Rock."

"Don't come in presenting yourself to the Rock. The Rock will tell you when to speak, and what to speak about. The ROck wants to know why you come in your little high polished armor and fine linened cape and don't have lizard boy."

"I have done all I can to serve the Rock. Captain Dante being a member of the genevan military is protected by some legality. The council has suggested you go through proper legal chanels to list your greviance."

"Proper channels? You want to suggest there are chanels the ROck can not go through the chanels the rock dictates. The Rock gave you one day to accomplish something the Rock sees as simple. YOu fail the rock and you want to talk about legality."

"I know oyu think I failed the rock. Why do you want him perhaps we can reach an agreement. He carries the mark of the prophecy."

"You want to question the Rock. You will be lucky if the Rock doesn't slap the taste out of your pretty mouth. The prophecy has two parts. The marked one who will unite all dragon kind and lead them against the forces of the destroyer. THere is another marked one who would decieve even the very elect if it were possible. He will deceive divide and destroy. The prophecy says one will win but does not say which. our choices determine that. Unless the Rock is wrong, and the wrong is never wrong, Dante is the destroyer. There is nothign the ROck believes in more and the ROck will stop at nothing." "AND THE ROCK MEANS NOTHING" "The rock will finish this."

General Galan stood straight and then started to bow.

"What you are looking at? You waiting for something? HOping for more moments to bask in the greatness of the Chosen One? Your times is up Paladin boy. Nothing great can last forever."


Dante sat his head in his hands. Thoughts of Golemns, Dragons, Abraham all pressing down on him. Bella and Morgan came in catching his attention, "Someone named James is here for you. Says its urgent." He must have something for me.

Dante left with Bella and Morgan south of the camp meeting a man with cloak drawn around his face. He smelled like James and sounded like him too. "My Lord we need to leave. We must."


"Just trust me we have to go." He seemed way to insistint, even grabbed him. Dante's natural immunity to magic blocked some spell.

"What is going on James?"

He rushed Dante reaching for him again. Dante steps to the side and lands a full blown jam to the man's face causing him to pass out.

20 minutes later Dante has the man tied up and with his senses triggered to detect lie wakes him up. "What are you doing?'

"Trying to fulfill my mandate." Truth

"What is that?"

"Usher you to what destiny requires." Truth

"Do you still serve me?"

"I serve you as much as I always have." Truth

"Where were you trying to take me James?"

"To where you must go." Truth

"Enough riddles just answer me, are you working for Jonathan?"

"No." Lie

"Morgan, send me back to the Isle with the prisoner and tell General Galan. Jonathan just committed an act of war against Geneva."

Monday, January 12, 2009


"Vadellya, take the report to commander Greenwood." It had been 5 minutes since the alarm. Galan knew they did not need every solider rushing the gates at once and there should maintain command and control. Intel such as the scouting report was essential to that.

Taking a big breath, "Lets go find out what is happening on the North Wall. Bella why don't you come with me." Bella simply nodded. She realized he had chosen her because there was no one else left. Pinch was no where to be found and she did not know what lucky soliders' tent, or tents, to check for Morgan, nor was she sure she wanted to find her knowing what she must be up to at this hour. That was one thing Bella was ok not to find out.

As they walked through the tents Bella was surprised how calm Galan was. He had mentioned and alarm and he did know the Voltruim was after them, yet he remained smooth poise. Loveless killers. Tatyana had called the paladins that more than once. She was glad he was calm because she was not. She strained her eyes at the dark sky, pushed her ears to absorb every sound they could find. She felt like a mouse in a cage full of tigers. As they walked Galan even said, "Its ok you know. Just relax."

They ran into Lucian. Bella was relieved to see Lucian nervous and lines of serious worry cross his face. Maybe it should has disturbed her but it left her strangely satisfied. Its not crazy to be scared you old fool.

"General, two elves were found murdered on the wall. No other trace. They have sweeping teams looking for if anyone entered. It is grave news. We should be on highest alert."

"Well, we should always be on highest alert. They last thing they need is extras rubbernecking and gettingin the way."

Bella fidgitted with her dress, "What if they are coming for us? Aren't you concerned?"

Galan said calmly, "No, if I wasted energy and time worrying about all the threats on my life I'd have no time to live it."

"Um... its obviously the Volturium. You maybe fine, but I'm scared."

"If your worried you can sleep in my tent. No one will get you."

Back in Galan's command tent, Lucian had brought in privacy curtains and an extra set of bedding. Galan slept in his armor and Bella contemplated. She realized she could kill him. She was alone wiht him, he would not stand a chance to resist. However, she discovered he trusted her. For some reason, he chose to believe her. It was not the behavior of a racist reasonless killer.

She turned her thoughts from Galan to the shadows of the tent. Any minute now. She listenned intently and sniffed the air. To her surprise she smelled roses. Turning to a corner of the tent she caught something in the shoulder. Spinning around she crashed through the privacy screen and screamed a mix of fear and pain. With inhuman agility, she spun around drew the bolt from her body and flung it back at her attacker. The bolt struck true causing the man to back peddle.

Galan was up in a flash and bashed the man with his massive blade then again. His movements fast, percise and powerful. Lucian was coming into the tent but Bella barely noticed as the man blood sprayed from his body. The sweet intoxicating smell was on the rugs, the curtain, the tent wall, everywhere. The air hung thick with its entrancing richness. SHe could not help but breth in more and more. It sang like a siren to a sailor. The only thing that competed with her thirst was the pain in her chest. If she drank she would get better. She did not know how she knew but she just knew. One inch at a time she was drug by the healing power closer and closer. She was aware on the edge of her conscienceness that what she was doing was wrong but did not have the strength. For the first time she discovered the power that came from truly feeding as she was meant to. The blood rushed down her throat and directly into her veins. Empowering and enriching. An extacy and nirvana wrapped around her. After a moment the blood turned bitter. However she still could not pull away. Something blunt and sharp hit her face.

Bella's head spun and vision blurred. Her hands trembled as she raised them to defend herself from Lucian and his mace. Fire burned in his eyes. This was the hatred Tatyana had spoken of, had warned her of. He is going to kill me, kill me for being what I am. She knew in a moment why the volturium hid, why they felt they had to hide. Who could stand against such rage, who could withstand such brute strength?

"Lucian stand down, STAND DOWN." Galan's voice broke through the tent. "But General, she's a vampire."

"Detect evil Lucian."

He just stopped and stared. A moment that was eternity. "Nothing." Surprise dripped his words, as if his whole world shattered.

Bella started to run at the mouth barely aware of the words that fell like a waterfall from her mouth, "I'm sorry. I've never drank before now. I needed to be healed. He attacked me. I was scared. I couldn't control. It will never happen." "Bella" "I promise I didn't know" "Bella" "I just had this thirst but its ok, I know its wrong I know its bad, Never before nevera gain." "BELLA" Galan's voice commanded her attention. "Its over, don't think about it anymore. Lucian go get Vadellya to clean this up. Bella is one of us. She's a good guy. Its an order."

Another eternity. Lucian's face showed a struggle. Rage verses discipline, agner verses reason. He seemed more unsure on which would win than Bella. After forever, "Yes General." And he left. Lucian must have discovered a power greater than hatred.


The blood was such a rush it filled Bella with a hunger for more. She could not feed on human's again. She was scared. Scared of herself. What kind of monster eats their enemy before they even die? A vampire. She shutterred. Ash she ran through the woods tracking some small creature, her thoughts turned back to the rich fullness of the blood. She could only think that maybe if she could feed a little more and drain the human taste from her mouth she could trust herself around people again.

Reacking into some brush with lightning speed she pulled a small bird to her mouth and began to drink. Relaxation entered her body for the first time since she heard the alarm. Taking a second big gulp, she felt the pressure which had built with in her drain. Suddenly she discovered she was not the only one hunting.

Stepping back from Lord Tyros she dropped her prey. Again she trembled. He spoke, "The will of the Volturium is decided. You are to die. You have betrayed us all. I grant you a dignified death if you kneel before me."

Bella's mind raced and she responded, "I am on Black Velvets orders. Executing her will. You oppose her? Don't be a fool."

"I have chosen my side, and the decision is made."

Chosen my side? Going against Tatyana? What was happening?

She did not have a chance to think about it as Lord Tyros's blade came flying at her. She fell to the ground and lept horizontally dashing over 40 yards from where the silver blades fell. Tyros closed the gap in under a second. Bella drew her whip and struck like a scorpions tail. It fell harmlessly against his armor.


Galan was listening to Jag, "This Jonathan is bad news. Dictating terms with full intention of enforcing it on you. My suggestion, which I know you aren't asking for, strike first. His strike is coming, if you want to win you got to hit first. The problem is Galan you operate with too many enemies. What are you doing letting Arvan, Veritas, Jonathan blah blah blah just walk around? Are you suppose to be a hero and stop these guys. All you'll find is that your out numbered."

Outnumbered. Galan remembered that Dante sensed two -- one man and one undead. "Bella's in danger." Galan fled the tent and called for his mount not taking the time to dismiss Jag.

On his mount he took to the forest. He had been so eager to give her space and let her recover that he comprimised her safety. Maybe Jag was right. Maybe he let too many enemies and too many dangers walk. Danger he could face himself, but he has sworn to protect all who can not protect themselves. He had to find Bella, hopefully before whatever else was out tonight did.


Bella weaved between sword strikes like a thread through needles. He was faster she could not keep it up forever. She lept into the canopy of a nearby tree only to find him waiting for her. Leaping back from a jab she fell to the ground. Landing the grace the leaves all fled from her silent impact. She did not see him. Where? She debated running. If she just made a sprint for it she could make it back to the camp in under 3 minutes. She looked back to the camp and saw the even side of a blade coming for her neck. She ducked then jumped back from another slash. She placed a tree between her and the slash but realized it was not thick enough to stop his strength. She tucked under the splintering tree just as the sharp edge removed several hairs form her head. Pressed up against a tree, she discovered there was no where else to run.


Galan lept from 20 feet in the air sword drawn and swinging with full might. His blade caught the dual silver blades of Bella's attacker and bounced off. The blow not so much as moving the stone statue. Galan, however, hit the ground with a thud and could feel the bruise on his leg already start to swell. Too old for this. He thought as he discovered the man was smiling. "Galan, I had hoped to silence you as well," turning his head slightly, "take her." Several men came from the shadows rushing towards Bella. Galan did not have to time to follow her as the vampire attacked blades twirling.

Galan took a moment a measured then took a calculated strike for the neck. The man moved like lightning trying to block it. Galan was quick enough to slip past the first two dodge attempts but the foul creature deflected the attack and returned two solid lightning blows. Galan spun and struck his blows not taking time to calculate just strike. He had to knock him down. He felt his blade slice flesh more than once but his flesh felt the same. The more he bled the more the creature's ferousity set in. Galan quickly discovered while he would not die easy he did not know if he would win. Besides his purpose was not to kill this guy but to save Bella and she was being pursued by others.

His mount flew over head inverted so the reigns hung at maximum reach height. With rehearshed, Galan latches to the harness and propells upward. His trusted mount and companion rotates in the air to assist Galan in the saddle soaring straight up through the canopy towards the moon. He was not unpursued. The vampire lept straight up at the pair leaves and canopy torn as if the dirt from the grave he must have come from. His extended swing cut the Hippogriff's hindquarter but did not stop him. Bella.

Bella ran. She had 3 followers all with heart beats. 30 seconds. She ran leaping over a fallen tree. 20 seconds. She could see the pallisade. "Help, help." Her hunters were firing arrows. 10 seconds. One arrow bounced off a nearby boulder another tore through Bella's dress but did not peirce her skin. 0 jump. Bella lept and her hand caught the top rim of the pallisade and propelled her over the wall landing gracefully on her feet on the other side. She could hear the heartbeats of her pursuers turn and leave.

She also heard the flapping of wings. Looking up she saw Galan come in for a landing. "Bella are you ok?"

"Yes." She replied repelled by her stupidity to go out by herself. "That was Lord Tyros. Are YOU ok?"

"I've been worse." Galan laughed. Bella found herself giggling inspite of the situation.

Bella had truly discovered a place she could be safe, and people she could call friends.

Like talking to a Rock

The Rock stood firm. The rock looked around his elaborately decorated and posh surorundings -- no less than the Rock deserved. The Rock surrounded himself with the best there was because the Rock was the best there was. The Great One, The Chosen One, The Dragon's Champion, The Rock.

He completely ignored the Herald which announced General Galan's enterance, as if this Galan was anyone in comparison to the ROCK. "Do you savor it?" The Rock asked.

"My Lord I am honored to speak with you."

"Indeed such a marvelous moment to bask in the glory of the ROck is something that the Millions...and Millions of the Rock's fans can only dream of. Tonight the Rock makes your dreams come true for one reason. And the ROCK MEANS one reason only." The Rock paused and inhaled sharply. The rock found it best if he let his fans soak in his greatness in small segments so as to not be too overwhelming. "Dante is a criminal and will meet with justice. The Rock is going to make him famous. It will be easier for everyone if you bring him to the Rock."

Galan's small insignificant word fell on the Rock's great ears. "My Lord. I know the position you must be in and the laws that you follow dictate a certain action. No one wants to see violence. Especially from your mighty hand. Those who recieve it would not want to be obliterated and thee, my Lord would not want to soil yourself the blood of such a simpleton."

"The Rock has made up the Rock's mind. NO amount of begging or strength can stop the Rock. The ROCK IS THE MOST powerful Dragon Lord in the world today. The Rock will have Dante."

"Give me the chance to bring him to you."

"The ROck is merciful. The Rock will give you One," some voice from the other end of the tent flap finishes the sentance, "and the ROCK MEAN ONE." The Rock continued, "One chance, one day. Bring the imposter to the Rock of the Rock will find him, and the ROck will take him and all that stood in the Rocks way will feel the Rock's power."

The Rock dismissed the general and began again to attempt to comprehend the Rock's greatness.


General Galan entered his tent to find Dante waiting for him there. "Aye General" Captain Dante snapped with enough military polish to give the dramatic flair that one had come to expect from him.

"Captain, it appears Jonathan is here for you."

"As I thought General."

"You need to get out of here. I told him I would hand you over in 24 hours if I could. You have after all broken one of his sacred laws. The diplomatic implications are a little over my head." Galan was aware that he was massaging his eyes again. "Go back to the council and request advisement. Send my what they say as soon as you can."

"Yes General. Though I must tell you before I leave. My senses picked up two people approaching the north wall. One was alive and one was not. I did not have time to tell the watch."

"Lucian." Galan called. Lucian peaked his head into the tent. "Get Vadellya in her to teleport Captain Dante. Then I need you to go inform the Captain of the watch on the north wall there are enemy scouts examining the perimiter possibly an undead." Lucian responded with a rich tone of somberness, "Yes General."

A couple of minutes later Vadellya and Bella were in the tent. Vadelly touched Dante and he was gone.

Galan continued, "Ok, we need to get a draft of the offical scout report for the Commander. He is hoping to leave in the morning." A hawk screech cut through the air. Galan knew that was the ward along the north wall, if something crossed uninvited.