Mordin was apprentice to the Arch Mage Andrea. Wise even in his youth, Mordin was the one with the vision of what the islands could be. It was he who brought the aid of the Crystal Empire when needed and he who convinced them to release their hold and make Geneva a soveirgn nation. He led the council in wisdom and temperance. He Established the foremost mage school on this side of the world. Forsaking his Elven body for that of a Dragon and now forsaking all mortal shells he is the Demi God of time, charged by Chronos with the task to keep the timestream clean and unaltered.
Logar Mogath was a Paladin and the real heart of the Council in the begining. Rider of the Wind they called my boy. Orphan by way of the war that had ravaged the Empire his only family was his pegasus mount -- Cloud. He acted as their conscience and moral direction. Ever zealous and never comprimising he demanded all evil he encountered be destroyed, and was largely successful. It was his quest for perfection that wished the Isle into existence, a place where no evil could dwell. It was to be a starting point from which light and truth could fill all the earth and multiverse. He carried the mantle as Keeper of the Seals and left mortality fulfilling that role. His nemisis Malekite had became the demi-god of Death and was after the seals. Logar asscended under Paladine and has become the god of righteous judgement dealing to the wicked their punishment.
While others became gods, Jericho started as one. Well half anyway. Champion of the Gods and Devender of the Earth. Son of Demeter and fathered by the Forest he was born with great power and an even greater destiny. The divine blood ran through him making his power and strength legendary. He was destined to receive the divine mandate of the Seventh seal and fight the Dark One blow for blow during the Raptur. His connection to nature and balance was a voice of reason and common sense. He founded the Rangers of the West, a group that to this day is known as the best rangers in the world. Retirement well earned he stays in seclusion with only his wife, the moon child, for company.
With Logar, Jericho, Moridin, and Tassadar all gone I invited another to sit on council. Drackus Truehammer, the bear of Truehammer. He had served Geneva well despite being from the warring Dwarven clans. Corrupted by the saved from a wretched curse he grew to over 7 feet tall and weilds the strength greater than most giants. He guarded the young Tassadar through his short stay as keeper, then left and united the Dwarves. He saved his people from slavers and submitted an appeal to join Geneva. He was now much more than an ally he was one of us.

I was a late comer. Raquel Al-Shatel, Vanquiser of Shadow and Hunter of the Horsemen--among other titles. The worship of Hajama was the only thing that filled
my life. It was by his divine mandate that I sought out the newly formed Isle of the Winds and trained the newly annointed Keeper of the Seals. He was to become my son. I had never had a real family for long, not since my father was murdered by bandits and I was framed. Everytime I would try to love the Drow would show and slaughter all I held dear. I realized that love and happiness was only something we could inspire and provide for others, never for ourselves. I watched as Logar painfully learned those lessons and I have seen his sacrifice and that of those like him fill the world with hope. Fill the world with Light.

Atryu stood as the current Keeper of the Seals. One of the few remaining Zionists, he lived for the honor. His people were created by Zues for the single purpose ot protect the seals and they failed. My Son Thorn decieved them and stole the Seals. Cursed by the Gods they sought redemption and forgiveness which Tassadar, as Keeper of the Seals, gave them. No other Keeper would have. He was zealous and single in his mission. The ruling of Geneva and its place in the world do not matter. Only the Seals matter. Now that he has the Spear of Destiny which grants is holder invinsibility, the Seals are safer than they have ever been.
Over the years and decades, we have ruled Geneva and seen it grow. From a couple of islands and a dream, it grew to all the islands, the old land of the Human Empire, and the Dwarven Clan lands. Talyun and Enron have also submitted requests to join the country. We had fought the Dark One and petty crime all at once and had won battle after battle. Light truly was spreading over the world. The world was being led by these men and the direction it would continue to take depended almost entirely on the decisions we made. Now we met to discuss the declaration war on a once strong ally. May the Light save and Guide us.

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