His thoughts had been on his father all day, despite the professers best attempts to teach him. An old beggar man made his way to the school today and left a letter for Toshiro to give to his father. He was so lost in thought that he barely noticed another student come and whisper to his teacher. "Toshiro, your father is here."
Serith ran the letter through his hands. It was good to see his son, and better to see him well. From what the professer reported, his studies were going well despite his being prone to distraction. He pushed the fond memories aside to face the cold truth and read the letter again:
Old Friend,
It is for our friendship I send you this. You have angered the Great Lord Hades. Make amends to Him shortly. Not only do I know where to find you I have found your son. You know more than most what I am capable of.
An Old Friend
Serith crushed the letter in his hand then stopped. The letter still may have evidence -- it was best he defiled it as little as possible. Raziel. It has to be him, he thought. Raziel is the only person with a real personal connection to Serith that he knew was involved in the cult of Hades. It was also less than a week since Serith found Raziel's dead vampire body. Raziel had died a faithful priest to Hades. Hades was a god who considered undead a mockery of his power. It seems that it may all be connected.
He considered travelling to Midgar. It had the only temple to Hades he knew of in the world. Upon reflection, he thought, if Hades is out to destroy me, the worst place to go would be his greatest strong hold. I'll send someone.
Three days had passed since the priest had taken the errand for Serith. He turned away from the mirror and counted his polymorphed elven fingers. He folded his arms trying to do something -anything- than stare through that mirror. He had developed the habit of systematically rotating between scrying in on his son and scrying on the priest who volunteered to go to Midgar. Getting all the way through a shift of guarding Raquel was impossible. Nearlyevery hour on the hour he would find a way to scry and confirm they were both alive.
He exhaled sharply and realized that he had better look again. What he saw instantly justified all of his obsessive behaviors. The priest was hung suspended by his arms on the temple to the underworld. His blood painted on the wall...Take the courage to speak to me yourself.
Serith teleported to the gates of the Hades temple shortly after he pulled Toshiro from the academy and made sure he was safe in the fortress. He had already burned everything he had that could be used to clone either himself of Raziel. He had after all made a covenant, he did not want to but the circumstances of their great secrect prevented him from ever escaping death again. He thought he had found a way around it. Cloning was not technically prolonging his life it was a seperate individual exactly like the original. Though the Serith would be dead and destroyed, a copy of him could live on and in some way. That meant he still lived. It really did not make any sense, but everyone wanted to live forever -- he simply had to find a way.
"I am Serith Silverwing, here to speak to the proxy of Hades." Serith pronounced with even calm.
"He's expecting you. Follow me," a young acolyte responded and led him into the temple.
Death comes to us all. Race, Creed, Sect, Nation, Bond, Free, King, Slave, good, evil -- they all died. Many fought it but eventually Raven's Lord recieved them all to his great kindgom. Even those who do not stay forever, must pass through the gate of the all receiver. This Serith was one who not only escaped death himself many times, crossed the gate and returned, but he demanded in bringing other from his Lord's grasp. This treachery was climatic when he mocked the redeemed Betrayer of Hope, as an Undead unholy monster. This mocked his holypenance and all Raven considered sacred. Now he was coming to speak with him face to face. I should kill him.
The reward of death was not to be given him today. His fate was in the hands of the former betrayer of Hope -- the current Shepherd of the Damned.
He turned slowly from the burning altar and stared into the black statues which shadowed the acolytes of the underworld. "Speak." He said with ice in his words.
"My Lord, I have realized my crime. I have destroyed all that would be used to clone and apologize for the offense. I was only seeking to save a friend." Serith spoke. A piece of Raven's heart could tell this man was only stupid, not evil.
"Your friend is already saved." Came the ice-covered response.
"I want this business to be done."
"Business with Hades is never finished. Everyone's path ends here."
"Yes, as it should. I would give 500 years of my life as a tribute and plea for forgiveness."
Raven could pronounce him forgiven as the proxy but his Lord would take the cost somewhere else-- his flesh. Though, Serith was powerful and so were many of the Undead which mocked the Great Lord of the Dead. "I trust no promise from you. Know the Shepherd stands a hairs' breath from removing your life and taking you to the ferryman this hour...and every hour. Your tribute is insufficent."
"What must I do?"
Exactly where I want him. "There are others like the abomination that you created. Those who have died but refuse their place in the underworld. Tribute your 500 years and one of these undead that only you could destroy."
Serith seemed shocked but continued, "It shall be done."
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