Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bring em back

Bella saw the future. It wasn't always perfect or vivid visions. Often just impressions, and sometimes they seemed wrong. She saw the possibilities of the future, possibilities that existed on the back of choices currently made. When choices were made that changed the direction of the future her visions would change or sometimes not and leave her confused. She never knew what visions to trust. She was trying to puzzle out the most recent one. Jonthan was talking to a silver woman. She seemed to be forged out of some type of shiny medal. There were no words just images.

Alarms rang in the camp. Then an explosion. Greyson, Lucian, Morgan and Bella gathered together. Greyson closed his eyes and must have been doing some sensation or whatever he called it. He openned his eyes, "Rhino mounted cavalry hit the south gate. The camp is under attack. Morgan, any luck scrying on Galan?"

"NO the bloody holy man is completely vanished," Morgan snapped back. She had been trying almost constantly since he did not come back from his meeting with the Rock. They all started to believe he had been kidnapped.

Bella spoke up, "Get us out of here, if Galan isn't here we shouldn't be here. We have to find him."

They teleported and stood on the ramp of the Isle. A moment later, Pinch stood before them the smell of moonsugar barely detectable to any but Bella's keen sense. "I have a lead on Galan." He handed a pill to Morgan, "this will give you the visual impression of where he's held. We got the tip from a contact we have in the Enron government. Jonthan kidnapped him and is holding him just south of the border." Lucian rased his mace, "The trechary and evil. We must strike."

Bella added, "We need to find Vadellya and Dante. We have to succeed."


Everyone was waiting for the order. Lucian breathed in and white knuckled his holy mace. Centaurs, 2 elves, some statues. Greyson had reported from contacting the minds of one of Galan's captures. He was alive but out cold. "Mages stay back. Dante, Greyson and I will charge into the camp." Swinging his mace, "CHARGE!!!"

Dante Greyson and Lucian were all plowed down by charging cavalry. Morgan's quick thinking put a web up ensaring them. But it was at that moment that Vadellya saw stone statues walking out of the camp. He hands trembled. Golemns.

She, and every mage in the civilized world had been taught the evils that golemns were. And to never pursue it. Even evil mages shunned the study of Golemns. Anyone with any education new the stroies of the projected future, one rules by intelligent golemns that had eliminated all organic life in their pursuit for perfection. Whatever was behind this grand plot was a darkness beyond evil. She casted quickly. Bottle necking through the gates of the camp like they were kept them all in her range. Solid stone became liquid mud and slid off of the thing silver frames the monsters were originally built on.
Greyson left the others to battle and stopped existing where he was then manifested his life force just outside the camp. The camp, now empty as the forces were otherwise engaged in combat, gave him easy access to the small hut Galan was in. He was alive, barely breathing but skin cold. Suffering the effects of some type of poison, he was unresponsive to physical stimulation. Unable to teleport out of the camp he threw Galan over his shoulder and made a dash for the border.
Bella saw him slung over Greyson's shoulder and smiled. She pulled a crossbow bold from her back and stepped over the Centaur she had just broke the neck of. He is safe. Before she even knew what was happening, they were all resting in a city called Mythos. Soliders were being teleported in from all reaches of Geneva to serve General Galan. NO more nobel leader could they have.

1 comment:

Bella Janevor said...

So I can't trust all the visions, huh? Guess I didn't realize that. Good to know.