Saturday, January 3, 2009

There for a purpose

James followed Dante up the ramp and all the way to the Temple of Light. Dante was surprised at how few stares and awe struck onlookers he encountered. I guess at the Isle even Gold dragons walking around did not serve to cause a stir. He turned to James, "I must speak with Lord Raquel Al-Shatel. Please find him for me." James turned to one of the other men, "Ergross summon Lord Raquel to the Lord Dragon's presence." "Yes sir" Was the only reply Dante heard before the man ran off.

They did not wait long at the Temple before Raquel and his group of attendants appeared. Coming from the temple Lord Raquel seeming to glow a confidence and presence that assured victory no matter what the battle.

Dante instantly spoke, "We need to speak alone."

Raquel blinks and looks up at him. Dante dismissed James telling him to stay out of earshot. James left and was keeping the patrons of the templ back several hundred yards from Dante. Raquel must have realized how important it was and dismissed his associates. "Yes Lord Dragon."

Dante leaning in very close spoke as soft as his huge throat and voice could muster. "I am Dante. I died and came back a Dragon now I do not know what to do."

he smiled, "I knew you would return. Your destiny is to end up a champion of light and save the Isle. Hard to do that from the other side so faith dictates you have to return. I'm glad it is so soon."

"I may have started a civil war with the dragons. somethign about these markings."

"Those markings look the same as what Moridin's son had. Vadellya was travelling companions with him before he went into self imposed excile to figure out his destiny. Perhaps she can answer some questions for you. I do remember it involves a prophecy about who will lead and unite all dragon kind. Though I am not clear on all the details. We'll need to figure it out. A dragon civil war is not what the world needs."

"Yes my lord what should I do now? I am still your captain."

"Check in with your chain of command. Its there for a purpose, and you maybe a leader now but i still rule Geneva. Please refrain from summoning me or ordering my citizens around."

Dante suddenly embarressed at his brash behavior bows his head. "Of course, I'll go see General Galan."

"Welcome back the light is blessed to have you fight with us. May Hajama grant you the courage to face and defeat all that would oppose you."

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