Bella left Greyson laying helpless on the Isle. He had destroyed everything she knew and trusted in the world. He had put Tatyana in danger. That crime was unforgiveable. Yet, he made her think. If he was so desperate to save her, what was she being saved from. She returned to the libary on the Isle. In her earlier research, she had found mention of Lord Darknss which Tatyana spoke of. She would find out more.
From the recovered fragments of the north pylon of a temple of Ra in the mountains Northwest of Sumeria as transcribed and translated by Kong ZI the wise, approx date 8500 BC:

Death of the fiend only offered rebirth. The flight of a terrible demon is upon us. Only half alive and half something else, he bends the threads of reality and will live forever. When the sun is gone only Darkness reigns. The blood of the people will flow to this Lord Darkness and sustain him with greater strength than any god should possess.
--------------------From the exumed tomb of Cumin found in mountian caverns north of Jong Guo. Transcribed and translated by Thadius the Learned. Approximate date 9000 BC:
Here Lies Cumin...with him we bury all our hope...stood against him in life but could not defeat him in death. . . Their fates are tied... In this urn rests he who destroyed Derek. No cruel fate could know what that unleased. May he rest in peace in the Kingdom of Ra.
Art on the cover of a historical Chronicle recovered from the Layer of Lord Darkness Approximate date:unknown. Note included, the libary was entirely burned among the few scraps recovered was the symbol that Darkness used as his sigil. Variations of the sigil inclued the rose being purple.
Crime edict from Jong Guo the Africa province. Approximate date 950 AD
On his Majesty's command we have investigated the dissapearances ascribed to the witch in the white wood. We have found no evidence to suggest anything paranormal. However, we have found and cataloged over 200 vanishing children from the areas surrounding the white wood in as many months. Besides the proximity, the only other common thread is that at approximately half of the scenes we find some evidence of the sigil of a hand gripping a rose. We suspect some type of crime organization and possible slavery market.
Journal of Orion, ranger of the West campaigning in Northern Jong Gou date 1005 AD:
It's impossible to tell the waking world from our dreams. He's found a way to create the reality of our dreams -- to enter them and control them. I can not explain it accurately in words. We find ourselves sleeping in shifts and forcefully waking anyone who sleeps more than two hours at a time. While we can not be sure, we figure that if you die in the dream world you die in the real world. And there you only have the defenses he lets you have. This is a game to him. Some game played by the unholy creature to torture those who would walk in the light. By Demeter, he will fall!
Chronicles of the Raven War recorded by order of Lord Tristan. Approx date 1003 AD

The council had researched and drafted a spell which could seperate the Lich Trevor from the gem in which he held his soul. One of the components needed was the left eye of a vampire over 10,000 years old. The Council discovered record of an ancient evil vampire called only Darkness. They ventured to his hidden layer and ripped his coffin open, forcefully taking the eye from the beast. They left him eyeless and buried in his self-constructed dungeon.
Taken from exerpts from the Ballad of Darkness composed by unknown author, approx date present:
Consumed by lust and power, his lord he did destroy
Strength of Arm and Cunning of mind he ruled
Opposed by the armies of Vidar and fought by the Champion of Ra
The Darkness was born, destined to cover all the world
Sweat and Blood turned dirt to mud
Victory was with Cumin and Derek had fallen
those hoped for peace did not find
A covenant with death and evil made nature pause
With the sun of Ra's setting
came the rise of the Darkness
Again Lord of all under his arm
Blood flowed into the Darkness like rivers
empowered by the threads and deepened by his gift
Not nature nor magic could stem the tide
All enemies fled or fell, none could stand
The sun would rise
And the sun would set
The snow would come
The flowers would bloom
Alone the Darkness sat
Alone the Darkness lusted
Alone the Darkness staid
Alone the Darkness wept
Half alive the legions of evil came to and from him
People once taxed were now bred
and all was empty
Forsaken by love and unloveable, he hid, buried deep within the earth
He could not die
neither could he live
He could not lose
Nor did he have anything left to win
Alone and exiled, they came to his home
They who would destroy to save
Removed from him his eye
and gave him something to conquer
The Raven fell
Darkness forsook they who would command him
He found a serpent
The silver tounge of the serpent
Promised victory
promised revenge
promised a kingdom
Thorn defeated
Shadar Destroyed
all friends gone
again he was alone
To become heir of Thorn
To shake the world with his power
to avenge all he had lost
to once again live
The blood of all the world would not be enough
for his own heart was empty
With nothing left to fight
they took from him all that was left
If all that is offered is destruction or nothing
The darkness would have his destruction

They placed his ashes in the urn
The urn of he who created the Darknss
the urn of he with whome his destiny was woven
The Urn of Cumin
All will fade
All will fade
Isle offical history. Transcribed by scribe Thadius dictated by Lord Raquel Al-Shatel Date 1006 AD
Darkness was the most powerful vampire to be encountered outside of Ravenloft. His powers seem to include:
Immunity to sunlight
Immunity to garlic
Immunity to holy water and holy symbols
Ability to create and enter dreams
Drain souls at a distance
Incredible strength
Unmatched speed
Immune to all effects of magic
Weapons do not harm him
He can charm even elves
Breathes lightning like a Blue Dragon
Throws fire from his eyes
He is merciless and cunning. Strong and nearly unstoppable, in terms of brute force and power he is one of our strongest enemies. He strives to be the heir of Thorn and carry his legacy to destroy all that is good. We should be more careful what we wake up.
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