Monday, January 12, 2009

Like talking to a Rock

The Rock stood firm. The rock looked around his elaborately decorated and posh surorundings -- no less than the Rock deserved. The Rock surrounded himself with the best there was because the Rock was the best there was. The Great One, The Chosen One, The Dragon's Champion, The Rock.

He completely ignored the Herald which announced General Galan's enterance, as if this Galan was anyone in comparison to the ROCK. "Do you savor it?" The Rock asked.

"My Lord I am honored to speak with you."

"Indeed such a marvelous moment to bask in the glory of the ROck is something that the Millions...and Millions of the Rock's fans can only dream of. Tonight the Rock makes your dreams come true for one reason. And the ROCK MEANS one reason only." The Rock paused and inhaled sharply. The rock found it best if he let his fans soak in his greatness in small segments so as to not be too overwhelming. "Dante is a criminal and will meet with justice. The Rock is going to make him famous. It will be easier for everyone if you bring him to the Rock."

Galan's small insignificant word fell on the Rock's great ears. "My Lord. I know the position you must be in and the laws that you follow dictate a certain action. No one wants to see violence. Especially from your mighty hand. Those who recieve it would not want to be obliterated and thee, my Lord would not want to soil yourself the blood of such a simpleton."

"The Rock has made up the Rock's mind. NO amount of begging or strength can stop the Rock. The ROCK IS THE MOST powerful Dragon Lord in the world today. The Rock will have Dante."

"Give me the chance to bring him to you."

"The ROck is merciful. The Rock will give you One," some voice from the other end of the tent flap finishes the sentance, "and the ROCK MEAN ONE." The Rock continued, "One chance, one day. Bring the imposter to the Rock of the Rock will find him, and the ROck will take him and all that stood in the Rocks way will feel the Rock's power."

The Rock dismissed the general and began again to attempt to comprehend the Rock's greatness.


General Galan entered his tent to find Dante waiting for him there. "Aye General" Captain Dante snapped with enough military polish to give the dramatic flair that one had come to expect from him.

"Captain, it appears Jonathan is here for you."

"As I thought General."

"You need to get out of here. I told him I would hand you over in 24 hours if I could. You have after all broken one of his sacred laws. The diplomatic implications are a little over my head." Galan was aware that he was massaging his eyes again. "Go back to the council and request advisement. Send my what they say as soon as you can."

"Yes General. Though I must tell you before I leave. My senses picked up two people approaching the north wall. One was alive and one was not. I did not have time to tell the watch."

"Lucian." Galan called. Lucian peaked his head into the tent. "Get Vadellya in her to teleport Captain Dante. Then I need you to go inform the Captain of the watch on the north wall there are enemy scouts examining the perimiter possibly an undead." Lucian responded with a rich tone of somberness, "Yes General."

A couple of minutes later Vadellya and Bella were in the tent. Vadelly touched Dante and he was gone.

Galan continued, "Ok, we need to get a draft of the offical scout report for the Commander. He is hoping to leave in the morning." A hawk screech cut through the air. Galan knew that was the ward along the north wall, if something crossed uninvited.

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