Taking a big breath, "Lets go find out what is happening on the North Wall. Bella why don't you come with me." Bella simply nodded. She realized he had chosen her because there was no one else left. Pinch was no where to be found and she did not know what lucky soliders' tent, or tents, to check for Morgan, nor was she sure she wanted to find her knowing what she must be up to at this hour. That was one thing Bella was ok not to find out.
As they walked through the tents Bella was surprised how calm Galan was. He had mentioned and alarm and he did know the Voltruim was after them, yet he remained smooth poise. Loveless killers. Tatyana had called the paladins that more than once. She was glad he was calm because she was not. She strained her eyes at the dark sky, pushed her ears to absorb every sound they could find. She felt like a mouse in a cage full of tigers. As they walked Galan even said, "Its ok you know. Just relax."
They ran into Lucian. Bella was relieved to see Lucian nervous and lines of serious worry cross his face. Maybe it should has disturbed her but it left her strangely satisfied. Its not crazy to be scared you old fool.
"General, two elves were found murdered on the wall. No other trace. They have sweeping teams looking for if anyone entered. It is grave news. We should be on highest alert."
"Well, we should always be on highest alert. They last thing they need is extras rubbernecking and gettingin the way."
Bella fidgitted with her dress, "What if they are coming for us? Aren't you concerned?"
Galan said calmly, "No, if I wasted energy and time worrying about all the threats on my life I'd have no time to live it."
"Um... its obviously the Volturium. You maybe fine, but I'm scared."
"If your worried you can sleep in my tent. No one will get you."
Back in Galan's command tent, Lucian had brought in privacy curtains and an extra set of bedding. Galan slept in his armor and Bella contemplated. She realized she could kill him. She was alone wiht him, he would not stand a chance to resist. However, she discovered he trusted her. For some reason, he chose to believe her. It was not the behavior of a racist reasonless killer.
She turned her thoughts from Galan to the shadows of the tent. Any minute now. She listenned intently and sniffed the air. To her surprise she smelled roses. Turning to a corner of the tent she caught something in the shoulder. Spinning around she crashed through the privacy screen and screamed a mix of fear and pain. With inhuman agility, she spun around drew the bolt from her body and flung it back at her attacker. The bolt struck true causing the man to back peddle.
Galan was up in a flash and bashed the man with his massive blade then again. His movements fast, percise and powerful. Lucian was coming into the tent but Bella barely noticed as the man blood sprayed from his body. The sweet intoxicating smell was on the rugs, the curtain, the tent wall, everywhere. The air hung thick with its entrancing richness. SHe could not help but breth in more and more. It sang like a siren to a sailor. The only thing that competed with her thirst was the pain in her chest. If she drank she would get better. She did not know how she knew but she just knew. One inch at a time she was drug by the healing power closer and closer. She was aware on the edge of her conscienceness that what she was doing was wrong but did not have the strength. For the first time she discovered the power that came from truly feeding as she was meant to. The blood rushed down her throat and directly into her veins. Empowering and enriching. An extacy and nirvana wrapped around her. After a moment the blood turned bitter. However she still could not pull away. Something blunt and sharp hit her face.
Bella's head spun and vision blurred. Her hands trembled as she raised them to defend herself from Lucian and his mace. Fire burned in his eyes. This was the hatred Tatyana had spoken of, had warned her of. He is going to kill me, kill me for being what I am. She knew in a moment why the volturium hid, why they felt they had to hide. Who could stand against such rage, who could withstand such brute strength?
"Lucian stand down, STAND DOWN." Galan's voice broke through the tent. "But General, she's a vampire."
"Detect evil Lucian."
He just stopped and stared. A moment that was eternity. "Nothing." Surprise dripped his words, as if his whole world shattered.
Bella started to run at the mouth barely aware of the words that fell like a waterfall from her mouth, "I'm sorry. I've never drank before now. I needed to be healed. He attacked me. I was scared. I couldn't control. It will never happen." "Bella" "I promise I didn't know" "Bella" "I just had this thirst but its ok, I know its wrong I know its bad, Never before nevera gain." "BELLA" Galan's voice commanded her attention. "Its over, don't think about it anymore. Lucian go get Vadellya to clean this up. Bella is one of us. She's a good guy. Its an order."
Another eternity. Lucian's face showed a struggle. Rage verses discipline, agner verses reason. He seemed more unsure on which would win than Bella. After forever, "Yes General." And he left. Lucian must have discovered a power greater than hatred.
The blood was such a rush it filled Bella with a hunger for more. She could not feed on human's again. She was scared. Scared of herself. What kind of monster eats their enemy before they even die? A vampire. She shutterred. Ash she ran through the woods tracking some small creature, her thoughts turned back to the rich fullness of the blood. She could only think that maybe if she could feed a little more and drain the human taste from her mouth she could trust herself around people again.
Reacking into some brush with lightning speed she pulled a small bird to her mouth and began to drink. Relaxation entered her body for the first time since she heard the alarm. Taking a second big gulp, she felt the pressure which had built with in her drain. Suddenly she discovered she was not the only one hunting.

Stepping back from Lord Tyros she dropped her prey. Again she trembled. He spoke, "The will of the Volturium is decided. You are to die. You have betrayed us all. I grant you a dignified death if you kneel before me."
Bella's mind raced and she responded, "I am on Black Velvets orders. Executing her will. You oppose her? Don't be a fool."
"I have chosen my side, and the decision is made."
Chosen my side? Going against Tatyana? What was happening?
She did not have a chance to think about it as Lord Tyros's blade came flying at her. She fell to the ground and lept horizontally dashing over 40 yards from where the silver blades fell. Tyros closed the gap in under a second. Bella drew her whip and struck like a scorpions tail. It fell harmlessly against his armor.
Galan was listening to Jag, "This Jonathan is bad news. Dictating terms with full intention of enforcing it on you. My suggestion, which I know you aren't asking for, strike first. His strike is coming, if you want to win you got to hit first. The problem is Galan you operate with too many enemies. What are you doing letting Arvan, Veritas, Jonathan blah blah blah just walk around? Are you suppose to be a hero and stop these guys. All you'll find is that your out numbered."
Outnumbered. Galan remembered that Dante sensed two -- one man and one undead. "Bella's in

On his mount he took to the forest. He had been so eager to give her space and let her recover that he comprimised her safety. Maybe Jag was right. Maybe he let too many enemies and too many dangers walk. Danger he could face himself, but he has sworn to protect all who can not protect themselves. He had to find Bella, hopefully before whatever else was out tonight did.
Bella weaved between sword strikes like a thread through needles. He was faster she could not keep it up forever. She lept into the canopy of a nearby tree only to find him waiting for her. Leaping back from a jab she fell to the ground. Landing the grace the leaves all fled from her silent impact. She did not see him. Where? She debated running. If she just made a sprint for it she could make it back to the camp in under 3 minutes. She looked back to the camp and saw the even side of a blade coming for her neck. She ducked then jumped back from another slash. She placed a tree between her and the slash but realized it was not thick enough to stop his strength. She tucked under the splintering tree just as the sharp edge removed several hairs form her head. Pressed up against a tree, she discovered there was no where else to run.
Galan lept from 20 feet in the air sword drawn and swinging with full might. His blade caught the dual silver blades of Bella's attacker and bounced off. The blow not so much as moving the stone statue. Galan, however, hit the ground with a thud and could feel the bruise on his leg already start to swell. Too old for this. He thought as he discovered the man was smiling. "Galan, I had hoped to silence you as well," turning his head slightly, "take her." Several men came from the shadows rushing towards Bella. Galan did not have to time to follow her as the vampire attacked blades twirling.
Galan took a moment a measured then took a calculated strike for the neck. The man moved like lightning trying to block it. Galan was quick enough to slip past the first two dodge attempts but the foul creature deflected the attack and returned two solid lightning blows. Galan spun and struck his blows not taking time to calculate just strike. He had to knock him down. He felt his blade slice flesh more than once but his flesh felt the same. The more he bled the more the creature's ferousity set in. Galan quickly discovered while he would not die easy he did not know if he would win. Besides his purpose was not to kill this guy but to save Bella and she was being pursued by others.
His mount flew over head inverted so the reigns hung at maximum reach height. With rehearshed, Galan latches to the harness and propells upward. His trusted mount and companion rotates in the air to assist Galan in the saddle soaring straight up through the canopy towards the moon. He was not unpursued. The vampire lept straight up at the pair leaves and canopy torn as if the dirt from the grave he must have come from. His extended swing cut the Hippogriff's hindquarter but did not stop him. Bella.
Bella ran. She had 3 followers all with heart beats. 30 seconds. She ran leaping over a fallen tree. 20 seconds. She could see the pallisade. "Help, help." Her hunters were firing arrows. 10 seconds. One arrow bounced off a nearby boulder another tore through Bella's dress but did not peirce her skin. 0 jump. Bella lept and her hand caught the top rim of the pallisade and propelled her over the wall landing gracefully on her feet on the other side. She could hear the heartbeats of her pursuers turn and leave.
She also heard the flapping of wings. Looking up she saw Galan come in for a landing. "Bella are you ok?"
"Yes." She replied repelled by her stupidity to go out by herself. "That was Lord Tyros. Are YOU ok?"
"I've been worse." Galan laughed. Bella found herself giggling inspite of the situation.
Bella had truly discovered a place she could be safe, and people she could call friends.
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