Dante laid down examining the new tatoo like figures on his arms. He thought he maybe able to dig out of the cell but decided patience was the better option. Patience was not a option he chose often, but he felt it was long overdue.
A servant comes in leading a large cow with a harness. The elf stops dead in his tracks and drops the cord to the harness. Eyes locked on the tatoos he slowly backs out of the cell. Then he runs.
Disturped but hungry, Dante eats the cow and continues to wait.
The next morning, Dante smells 'the Rock' approaching. He turns and sees him at the edge of his cell arms folding in angry defiance. "The great one, had to see with his own eyes. You do have the mark. " Anger boiled at the tips of his mouth as he drew both swords. "I know what you are. He would decieve the very elect if it were possible. Well I am the most very elect and it is not possible to decieve me. I have already sworn alliegence to the one of Prophecy and have been vigilent for his imposter counterpart."
Confusion coating his words, "What do you mean?"
"DO NOT FEIGN IGNORANCE ON THE DRAGON'S CHAMPION BOY." HE screams, "I could kill you know."
"YOu would go against the code of the Dragons and kill a prisoner?"
His breathing intensified, "No, the council has the right to decide your fate. But I pray it be my blade that removes the life from your pathetic imposter carcass." Jonathan left the aura of his arrogance hanging in the air.

After they must have been satisfied that no one was watching they all kneeled right knee and right fist pressed to the ground.
"We pledge our allegiance and undying faithfulness on our hopes of life, rebirth, and salvation to our Lord Dragon. We are your Dragon Sworn"
Dante blinked confusion placed ontop of confusion. "Then get me out of here."
The man nodded and openned the cell. One of the other men brought in a bundle of plants and told Dante to eat. When he did, he felt his abilities and senses return to him fully. Not losing a moment he ordered, "Take me to the Isle. We have to get to the Isle."
"Of course my Lord Dragon. You command it shall be done." The elf reached his hand and touched Dante's scales and suddenly the scene changed. No longer in an empty cell but just outside the palace of Atlanta.
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