Sunday, January 11, 2009

Summonned to the Dragon

Galan listenned to Jag. Jag was almost dangerous in the amount of charisma he could speak with. "What are you doing pursueing the vampire thing? If I know and Pinch knows then the concil knows. Who else are you going to tell? Just focus on your mission don't fight every battle everywhere."

Galan had to admit there was some wisdom in that but it did not seem right to abandon it. He did not have much time to think it over and no time to discuss it as Jag vanished. The tent flap flew open as Lucian led in the scout team, minus Dante.

"Captain Dante staid outside the camp. He's a little nervous with the Dragon banner flying." Vadellya said with an effort to excuse him. Galal just nodded, he knew this situation would draw Galan directly in the middle. He only hoped he could keep things as smooth as possible. Rubbing his temples he sat and listenned to the scout report. Illyenna an imposter? Most likely some clever political scheme, it seems there has to be something to rally behind.

They had finished when Lucian let in a messenger. He had on a the grey sash which indicated he worked directly for Jonathan. "General Galan, the Rock has decided to grace you with an invitation to meet with him in his tent. Immediately." Galan nods and the page leaves. "Bring Dante in here. Smuggle him if you have to I can only imagine this will be about him."

"Yes General," Bella and Vadellya say as Galan leaves the tent.

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