Commander Greenwood said it helped them understand the urgency of their mission. Galan just thought it would wear the men out. It indicated a strong discipline but a waste of resources. Though who was he to question the commands of another general when he himself had no army to command.
The day wore on. They moved at a quick pace for an army. Large groups of soliders always moved slowly. One tired slow solider could drag back his unit that could drag back the detachment and the whole army. The sad truth in an army like this is that someone was always tired. Sergents had the mandate from their commanders to keep everyone in step and on pace in an effort to minimize the drag.
As the sun was setting the pace callers started calling out halt. Orders trickled down to set up camp and Galan dismounted. "AYE General" The dramatic committed tone could only be Dante. Turning around, he returned Dante's salute and motioned for him to speak.
Dante reported, "Lord Raquel said that if Jonathan had a problem with me he should take it up thorugh legal chanels any attempts to take me by force would result in war with Geneva."
Galan nodded, "I'll deal with Jonathan. Stay close for now, we'll decide what to do based on his reaction." Galan felt he could smooth things enough to buy time. He had hoped for a long time to earn the Rock's favor, even speaking directly to his ego, all in an attempt to be able to calm a situation like this. However, a piece of him new it would not be possible.
The Rock had listenned to the commanders give their reports. They reported to him like the Rock could give two pieces of monkey crap about this campaign or some roody poo nobody rebels. The Rock realized they were still talking, "STOP JUST STOP." Giving a moment for silence to set in, the Rock raised an eyebrow and continued, "We've got to get these rebels, we have to get these rebels. blah blah blah. Listen to the Rock. You know, the guy cleaning the rug knows, the guard standing over there knows the ROCK is here for one." his herald chimed in, "AND THE ROCK MEANS ONE." The ROck continued, "One reason. The Genevan's have a captain. A little nobody who thinks he's someone because he has some cheap tatooes on his arms is going to be made famous by the ROCK. You get me that General!"
"MY LORD." A herald said, "General Galan is here to speak with you."
"The Rock says let him in."
General Galan walks in with broad shoulders and a look like he thinks hes somebody. "My Lord Rock."
"Don't come in presenting yourself to the Rock. The Rock will tell you when to speak, and what to speak about. The ROck wants to know why you come in your little high polished armor and fine linened cape and don't have lizard boy."
"I have done all I can to serve the Rock. Captain Dante being a member of the genevan military is protected by some legality. The council has suggested you go through proper legal chanels to list your greviance."
"Proper channels? You want to suggest there are chanels the ROck can not go through the chanels the rock dictates. The Rock gave you one day to accomplish something the Rock sees as simple. YOu fail the rock and you want to talk about legality."
"I know oyu think I failed the rock. Why do you want him perhaps we can reach an agreement. He carries the mark of the prophecy."
"You want to question the Rock. You will be lucky if the Rock doesn't slap the taste out of your pretty mouth. The prophecy has two parts. The marked one who will unite all dragon kind and lead them against the forces of the destroyer. THere is another marked one who would decieve even the very elect if it were possible. He will deceive divide and destroy. The prophecy says one will win but does not say which. our choices determine that. Unless the Rock is wrong, and the wrong is never wrong, Dante is the destroyer. There is nothign the ROck believes in more and the ROck will stop at nothing." "AND THE ROCK MEANS NOTHING" "The rock will finish this."
General Galan stood straight and then started to bow.
"What you are looking at? You waiting for something? HOping for more moments to bask in the greatness of the Chosen One? Your times is up Paladin boy. Nothing great can last forever."
Dante sat his head in his hands. Thoughts of Golemns, Dragons, Abraham all pressing down on him. Bella and Morgan came in catching his attention, "Someone named James is here for you. Says its urgent." He must have something for me.
Dante left with Bella and Morgan south of the camp meeting a man with cloak drawn around his face. He smelled like James and sounded like him too. "My Lord we need to leave. We must."
"Just trust me we have to go." He seemed way to insistint, even grabbed him. Dante's natural immunity to magic blocked some spell.
"What is going on James?"
He rushed Dante reaching for him again. Dante steps to the side and lands a full blown jam to the man's face causing him to pass out.
20 minutes later Dante has the man tied up and with his senses triggered to detect lie wakes him up. "What are you doing?'
"Trying to fulfill my mandate." Truth
"What is that?"
"Usher you to what destiny requires." Truth
"Do you still serve me?"
"I serve you as much as I always have." Truth
"Where were you trying to take me James?"
"To where you must go." Truth
"Enough riddles just answer me, are you working for Jonathan?"
"No." Lie
"Morgan, send me back to the Isle with the prisoner and tell General Galan. Jonathan just committed an act of war against Geneva."
1 comment:
I like it. love the Rock's voice. nice army pic, too.
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