She only briefly thought of Tassadar and when he ruled in this palace.
The doors flew open as she approached and the Rock was headed out of the council chamber. He barely noticed that she existed and turned back to Raquel standing in the door way. "So is that it? You want to stand like your someone, like your a big shot, like your the Rock, when obviously your not. You want to tell the Rock what he can and can't do. So is the law of the isle to rule the whole of the world?"
Raquel responded calmly and with almost majesty, "There are laws that enslave mankind and laws that set them free."
"The Rock was going to be first in your little council. The ROck was going to bless you with his wisdom and presence. Don't make an enemy of the Rock. You are fighting for the wrong side. I mean no harm to your Isle."
"Either what we hold to be right and good and true -- is right and good and true for all mankind under the Light. Or we're just another fallen nation. We are not."
"The Rock says this, Know your ROLE AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH, Your fancy words are talking you out of peace and into war. Dante will be mine even if the Rock has to pull the Isle from the sky and conquer all of Geneva."
"Sometimes there is a peace that can only be found at the other side of war. And if that war must come I will fight it."
THe servants and guards all echoed, "ANd I. And I and I." Until the entire mass of people that had gathered stood ready to oppose the Rock. The Rock raised an eybrow quizicly, "Let the Rock tell you something. To the council standing there like their somebody, to the servant over there who should be sweeping something, to the guard over there that spends to much time playing with his sword. TO this chick over hear staring at the Rock dreaming of long night -- The rock doesn't give two pieces of monkey crap about you or your Isle. The Great Isle and its dream. No dream lasts forever." He goes to step away and spots Vadellya, "How are you? Look a little shaken up. I imagine your stomaches a little restless with butterflies, chills going up your spine, acceleration in your chest. Its common standing in the presence of the ROck does that to woman. Let me tell you what you can do, write this down because its important, go to that shrine of your lover boy there and get it all cleaned up. Make sure there are no weeds growing anywhere, water all the plants get the flowers in perfect bloom. You got silver polish?" Waiting for her response which she does not give, "Take that and polish up the shrine to a high shine. Get that think sparkly. Take all of that and turn it sideways and shove it up ..."
"ROCK!" Raquel burst in, "I suggest you stop this while its political before you make it personal."
The Rock raised and eyebrow and then casted what Vadellya recognized as teleport.
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